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Executors Review: Properties

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++

1. Scope

We were asked by the chair of LEWG to review how the Executors proposal [P0443R13] makes use of Properties [P1393]. We were to look at all uses of properties within P0443, not just the sections that define properties.

We did not review P1393, where the properties mechanism is defined. But we did spend a fair amount of time reading and understanding P1393, and in the process we noticed a couple of issues in that paper, and we have offered suggested fixes.

The review team varied some during the effort, but ended up consisting of David Olsen, Ruslan Arutyunyan, Michael J. Voss, and Michał Dominiak, with contributions from the polymorphic executor review team led by Inbal Levi. Michael and Ruslan wrote all the examples. We were assisted in all our efforts by three of the many authors of P0443, Chris Kohlhoff, Daisy Hollman, and Kirk Shoop. The authors answered many questions, provided lots of background information, made useful suggestions, and were generally very helpful. In particular, Chris Kohlhoff’s implementation of the properties mechanism and some other parts of executors that are part of [Asio] (see also here and here) made it much easier to write sample code and try out ideas.

2. Introduction

Properties were originally suggested as a way to simplify the configuration and customization of the execute function for executors. At one time during the development of P0443, there were more than a dozen proposed execution functions or customization points, but even that large set covered only a subset of the different ways that execution could happen. The properties mechanism was developed to avoid this explosion in execution functions. Each characteristic of execution was separated into its own property, allowing for independent configuration of that characteristic. The properties mechanism (along with senders/receivers for configuration of returning results) reduced the number of execution functions down to two, execute and bulk_execution. The development of properties is explained in more detail in [P2033].

The properties mechanism was deemed to be useful beyond executors, so it was separated into its own paper, [P1393], and moved from namespace std::execute to namespace std. Properties are not used by the standard library outside of executors at the moment, but that is a possible future direction. A good introduction to properties in general, not specific to executors, is available in Chris’s YouTube video.

3. Examples

We provide a set of examples that begin with a simple use of a standard property and standard executor. We then introduce a custom executor and show how support for a standard property can be added to that executor. We next implement a custom property and show how it can be used with a standard executor as well as our custom executor. Throughout the discussion we also provide example uses of any_executor that wrap both the standard and custom executor and use both standard and custom properties.

All of the examples were compiled against the [Asio] implementation of executors, so the code refers to many things in the asio namespace. Simply changing asio to std should result in standard-conforming code.

3.1. Using standard properties

The example that follows shows a simple use of blocking_t with the executor returned from static_thread_pool. Our example has a race on the variable i if the function objects passed to execute execute concurrently -- this is intentional. We include this race purely to introduce an easily demonstrated effect of changing the blocking property; it is not expected that blocking_t will be used to avoid races in real applications.

void example_with_stp() {
  asio::static_thread_pool stp(8);

  // require is ok, since static_thread_pool supports blocking.always
  auto ex = asio::require(stp.executor(), asio::execution::blocking.always);
  std::cout << "Required blocking.always" << std::endl;

  // query is ok and informative, since static_thread_pool supports blocking_t
  if (asio::query(ex, asio::execution::blocking) == asio::execution::blocking.possibly)
    std::cout << "ex blocking.possibly" << std::endl;

  int i = 0;
  asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { i = 1; });
  asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { if (i == 1) i = 2; });
  std::cout << "Before wait i == " << i << std::endl;
  std::cout << "After wait i == " << i << std::endl;

Since the executor provided by static_thread_pool supports both query and require for blocking_t, we get a deterministic result, where i==2 both before and after the wait on the stp context:

Required blocking.always
Before wait i == 2
After wait i == 2

3.1.1. Writing a custom executor

It is relatively straightforward to add support for a standard property to a custom executor. Below we show a custom toy_tbb_context that has support for querying blocking_t and requiring blocking_t::always_t. Our toy context is built on top of the Threading Building Blocks (TBB) library which is an open-source C++ library for threading. The toy_tbb_context maintains a TBB task_group, which represents a group of tasks that the TBB library will schedule on to its internal thread pool. The toy_tbb_context::executor_ has a member variable blocking_value_ that holds the state of the property, which has a value of blocking.possibly by default. The function query returns the value and the function require returns a new executor_ that has a reference to the same toy_tbb_context but with blocking_value_ set to blocking.always. The executor_'s member function execute calls task_group::run to implement a non-blocking execute and a calls task_group::run_and_wait to implement a blocking execute. The toy_tbb_context provides a member function wait that blocks until all tasks in its task_group are complete.

namespace toy {
  class toy_tbb_context {
    class executor_ {
      constexpr asio::execution::blocking_t query(asio::execution::blocking_t) const noexcept {
        return blocking_value_;
      auto require(asio::execution::blocking_t::always_t val) const noexcept {
        return executor_{context_, val};
      bool operator==(const executor_& other) const noexcept { return this == &other; }
      bool operator!=(const executor_& other) const noexcept { return this != &other; }
      executor_(const executor_& e) = default;
      ~executor_() = default;

      template<typename Invocable>
      void execute(Invocable &&f) const {
        if (blocking_value_ == asio::execution::blocking_t::always) {
        } else {

      friend toy_tbb_context;
      asio::execution::blocking_t blocking_value_; 
      toy_tbb_context &context_;
      executor_(toy_tbb_context& context) noexcept : context_(context) {}
      executor_(toy_tbb_context& context,
                const asio::execution::blocking_t& blocking_val) noexcept :
        context_(context), blocking_value_(blocking_val) {}
    executor_ executor() { return executor_{*this}; }

    void wait() { task_group_.wait(); }

    tbb::task_group task_group_;

We can replace the static_thread_pool in our previous example with our toy_tbb_context and, due to its support of blocking_t, also get deterministic results, where i == 2 both before and after the wait.

void example_with_toy_tbb() {
  toy::toy_tbb_context ttc;

  // require is ok, since toy_tbb_context supports blocking.always
  auto ex = asio::require(ttc.executor(), asio::execution::blocking.always);

  // query is ok and informative, since toy_tbb_context supports blocking_t
  if (asio::query(ex, asio::execution::blocking) == asio::execution::blocking.possibly)
    std::cout << "ex blocking.possibly" << std::endl;

  int i = 0;
  asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { i = 1; });
  asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { if (i == 1) i = 2; });
  std::cout << "Before wait i == " << i << std::endl;
  std::cout << "After wait i == " << i << std::endl;

It should be noted that executors, senders and schedulers are not required to support all of the standard properties. We implemented a toy_tbb_context_no_support as follows without any support for properties. In this implementation, the execute function always calls the non-blocking task_group::run.

namespace toy {
  class toy_tbb_context_no_support {
    class executor_ {
      bool operator==(const executor_& other) const noexcept { return this == &other; }
      bool operator!=(const executor_& other) const noexcept { return this != &other; }
      executor_(const executor_& e) = default;
      ~executor_() = default;

      template<typename Invocable>
      void execute(Invocable &&f) const {

      toy_tbb_context_no_support &context_;
      friend toy_tbb_context_no_support;
      executor_(toy_tbb_context_no_support& context) noexcept : context_(context) {}

    executor_ executor() { return executor_{*this}; }

    void wait() {

    tbb::task_group task_group_;

We can no longer plug this context in directly for static_thread_pool in our example, because the use of require will not compile. However if we are unsure that an executor will provide require for a requirable property, we can use prefer instead, which will call require only if it is supported; otherwise, it returns an executor that has the same properties established as the executor that was passed to it. It is also intended that all standard properties have reasonable defaults, so query will return an accurate but broad result even if the executor does not explicitly support query. In the case of blocking_t, the default query returns blocking::possibly, which is never incorrect. Therefore to use the toy_tbb_context_no_support, we update our example as shown:

void example_with_toy_tbb_no_support() {
  toy::toy_tbb_context_no_support ttc;

  // prefer is ok, even for an executor that does not explicitly support blocking_t
  // it returns an executor with the same properties
  auto ex = asio::prefer(ttc.executor(), asio::execution::blocking.always);
  std::cout << "Preferred blocking.always" << std::endl;

  // query is ok, even for an executor that does not explicitly support blocking_t
  // the result is broad but still useful
  if (asio::query(ex, asio::execution::blocking) == asio::execution::blocking.possibly)
    std::cout << "ex blocking.possibly" << std::endl;

  std::atomic<int> i = 0;
  asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { i = 1; });
  asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { int j = 1; i.compare_exchange_strong(j, 2); });
  std::cout << "Before wait i == " << i << std::endl;
  std::cout << "After wait i == " << i << std::endl;

Since, without blocking, our example now contains a real race, we use an atomic<int> and compare_exchange_strong. Depending on which operation on i occurs first, the result after the wait may be 1 or 2. An example output, where the second call to execute completes first, and therefore i == 1, is shown below:

Preferred blocking.always
ex blocking.possibly
Before wait i == 0
After wait i == 1

3.1.2. Using any_executor

We can wrap the executor types returned by static_thread_pool, toy_tbb_context and toy_tbb_context_no_support in the polymorphic wrapper any_executor. For demonstration, we introduce a trivial algorithm that contains the two calls to execute as show below. Because the executor types of both static_thread_pool and toy_tbb_context support require for blocking_t::always_t, they can be both be wrapped in any_exec_type.

using any_exec_type = 

void algorithm(any_exec_type ex0) {
  // since blocking_t::always_t is supported, we know we can require it
  auto ex = asio::require(ex0, asio::execution::blocking.always);
  std::cout << "Required blocking.always" << std::endl;
  int i = 0;
  asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { i = 1; });
  // Since it’s blocking, we don’t need the compare_exchange
  asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { if (i == 1) { i = 2; }});
  std::cout << "i == " << i << std::endl;

void example_with_stp() {
  asio::static_thread_pool stp(8);

void example_with_toy_tbb() {
  toy::toy_tbb_context ttc;

Our toy_tbb_context_no_support does not, however, support require for blocking_t::always_t and so it cannot be wrapped with any_exec_type. If we are unsure if an executor supports require for a property, we can again rely on prefer and create a different any_executor type that uses the prefer_only property adapter.

using any_exec_ptype = 

void algorithm_with_prefer(any_exec_ptype ex0) {
  // blocking_t::always_t might be supported, but we don’t know, so prefer
  auto ex = asio::prefer(ex0, asio::execution::blocking.always);
  std::cout << "Preferred blocking.always" << std::endl;
  if (asio::query(ex, asio::execution::blocking) == asio::execution::blocking.always) {
    int i = 0;
    asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { i = 1; });
    asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { if (i == 1) { i = 2; }});
    std::cout << "i == " << i << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::atomic<int> i = 0;
    asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { i = 1; });
    asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { int j = 1; i.compare_exchange_strong(j, 2); });
    std::cout << "i == " << i << std::endl;

void example_with_toy_tbb_no_support() {
  toy::toy_tbb_context_no_support ttc;

Since query and prefer are supported by the executor types of static_thread_pool, toy_tbb_context and toy_tbb_context_no_support, any of these executors could be passed to our algorithm_with_prefer.

3.2. Using custom properties

It is also fairly straightforward to create a custom property. To demonstrate this, we implemented a toy::tracing_t property to control tracing in our toy_tbb_context. This property holds a value of true if tracing is on and false if tracing is off. We provide a free function query that returns a default value of false, i.e. tracing is off.

namespace toy {
  struct tracing_t
    tracing_t() = default;
    constexpr tracing_t(bool val) : value_(val) {}

    template <typename T>
    static constexpr bool is_applicable_property_v = asio::execution::executor<T>;
    static constexpr bool is_requirable = true;
    static constexpr bool is_preferable = true;
    using polymorphic_query_result_type = bool;

    constexpr explicit operator bool() const
      return value_;
    bool value_{false};
  inline constexpr tracing_t tracing;

  template<typename E>
  constexpr bool query(const E&, const tracing_t&) { return false; }

3.2.1. Modifying our custom executor

The support in our custom toy_tbb_executor is similar to the support for blocking_t. We show only the additions and changes below:

namespace toy {
  class toy_tbb_context {
    class executor_ {
      // ...
      constexpr bool query(const tracing_t&) const noexcept {
        return static_cast<bool>(tracing_value_);
      auto require(const tracing_t& val) const noexcept {
        return executor_{context_, blocking_value_, val};
      // ...
      template<typename Invocable>
      void execute(Invocable &&f) const {
        if (tracing_value_)

        if (blocking_value_ == asio::execution::blocking_t::always) {
        } else {
      // ...
      tracing_t tracing_value_;
      // ...
      executor_(toy_tbb_context& context, 
                const asio::execution::blocking_t& blocking_val, 
                const tracing_t& tracing_val) noexcept :
          tracing_value_(tracing_val) {}
    // ...
    int traced_executions() noexcept { return executions_; }
    // ...
    std::atomic<int> executions_;

We can now require this property to turn tracing on and off for the toy_tbb_context::executor_ as shown below:

void example_with_toy_tbb() {
  toy::toy_tbb_context ttc;

  // require is ok, since toy_tbb_context supports blocking.always
  auto ex = asio::require(ttc.executor(), asio::execution::blocking.always);
  std::cout << "Required blocking.always" << std::endl;

  // query is ok and informative, since toy_tbb_context supports blocking_t
  if (asio::query(ex, asio::execution::blocking) == asio::execution::blocking.possibly)
    std::cout << "ex blocking.possibly" << std::endl;

  int i = 0;
  asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { i = 1; });
  asio::execution::execute(ex, [&i]() { if (i == 1) i = 2; });
  std::cout << "i == " << i << std::endl;
  std::cout << "traced_executions == " << ttc.traced_executions() << std::endl;

  i = 0;
  auto tex = asio::require(ex, toy::tracing_t{true});
  std::cout << "Required toy::tracing_t{true}" << std::endl;
  asio::execution::execute(tex, [&i]() { i = 1; });
  asio::execution::execute(tex, [&i]() { if (i == 1) i = 2; });
  std::cout << "i == " << i << std::endl;
  std::cout << "traced_executions == " << ttc.traced_executions() << std::endl;

The output of the above code is as follows:

Required blocking.always
i == 2
traced_executions == 0
Required toy::tracing_t{true}
i == 2
traced_executions == 2

static_thread_pool does not support this property and since it is a standard executor type, we cannot add support. However, we have provided a reasonable default for query, tracing is off. So, we can both query and prefer this property on the executor type from static_thread_pool, with prefer returning an executor with the same properties as the executor that was passed to it.

void example_with_stp() {
  asio::static_thread_pool stp(8);

  // require is ok, since static_thread_pool supports blocking.always
  auto ex = asio::require(stp.executor(), asio::execution::blocking.always);
  std::cout << "Required blocking.always" << std::endl;

  // query is ok and informative, since static_thread_pool supports blocking_t
  if (asio::query(ex, asio::execution::blocking) == asio::execution::blocking.possibly)
    std::cout << "ex blocking.possibly" << std::endl;

  int i = 0;
  // prefer is ok, even for an executor that does not explicitly support toy::tracing_t
  // it returns an executor with the same properties
  auto tex = asio::prefer(ex, toy::tracing_t{true});
  std::cout << "Preferred toy::tracing_t{true}" << std::endl;
  asio::execution::execute(tex, [&i]() { i = 1; });
  asio::execution::execute(tex, [&i]() { if (i == 1) i = 2; });
  std::cout << "i == " << i << std::endl;

3.2.2. Using any_executor again

Lastly, we can wrap both static_thread_pool and toy_tbb_context in any_executor and use both the standard blocking_t and the custom toy::tracing_t properties. Since static_thread_pool does not explicitly support toy::tracing_t, we must again use the prefer_only adapter if we want our algorithms to support both executors. In our example, we also demonstrate that implicit conversions support construction of an any_executor from another any_executor that has the same supported properties even if they are in a different order in the template argument list.

using any_exec_type = 

using any_almost_same_exec_type = 

void algorithm(any_exec_type ex) {
  auto tt_ex = asio::require(ex, asio::execution::blocking.always);
  std::cout << "Required blocking.always" << std::endl;
  if (asio::query(tt_ex, toy::tracing))
    std::cout << "Using tracing" << std::endl;

  int i = 0;
  asio::execution::execute(tt_ex, [&i]() { i = 1; });
  asio::execution::execute(tt_ex, [&i]() { if (i == 1) i = 2; });
  std::cout << "i == " << i << std::endl;

void algorithm_tracing(any_almost_same_exec_type ex)
  auto tracing_exec = asio::prefer(ex, toy::tracing_t{true});

void combined_example() {
  toy::toy_tbb_context ttc;
  std::cout << "traced_executions == " << ttc.traced_executions() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "traced_executions == " << ttc.traced_executions() << std::endl;

  asio::static_thread_pool stp(4);
  std::cout << "traced_executions == " << ttc.traced_executions() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "traced_executions == " << ttc.traced_executions() << std::endl;

When run, this example turns on tracing for the toy_tbb_context executor when algorithm_tracing is called:

Required blocking.always
i == 2
traced_executions == 0
Required blocking.always
Using tracing
i == 2
traced_executions == 2
Required blocking.always
i == 2
traced_executions == 2
Required blocking.always
i == 2
traced_executions == 2

4. Small Issues

For small issues that have an obvious resolution, mostly wording bugs, we created issues in the Executors GitHub repository. The GitHub issues are listed here, but they can be resolved easily by the authors of P0443 and don’t need to be discussed in LEWG.

5. Issues

Here is a list of issue that we think deserve more discussion in LEWG. Some of the issues have a suggested resolution which we would like LEWG to approve and the P0443 authors to implement. Some issues merely identify a problem that we would like the authors of P0443 to solve, possibly with guidance from LEWG. Any changes made in response to § 5.2 Generic blocking adapter is not implementable or § 5.7 bulk_guarantee specification should match execution policies should also be reviewed by SG1.

5.1. Should properties be usable with non-executors?

All of the properties defined in P0443 have

template <class T>
  static constexpr bool is_applicable_property_v = executor<T>;
This limits the property to types that satisfy the executor concept. Any attempt to apply the property to something that is not an executor is normally ill-formed, even if that something has the necessary query, require, or prefer specializations that would otherwise make everything work. For example, the first bullet in the specification of std::prefer in P1393 is:
If the is_applicable_property_v check fails, the call to std::prefer is ill-formed, rather than proceeding to the fallback of returning E unchanged that is normally used when a property can’t be applied to a particular executor.

The specification for the static_thread_pool sender types lists member functions that support the properties context, blocking, relationship, outstanding_work, allocator, bulk_guarantee, and mapping. The specification for the static_thread_pool scheduler types lists member functions that support the properties context and allocator.

Some senders satisfy the executor concept (because std::execution::execute has a fallback that accepts a sender as the first argument). It seems that static_thread_pool's senders satisfy executor (because they are noexcept-copyable and equality-comparable), so the property should work with static_thread_pool's senders. But there is no guarantee that other senders satisfy executor. static_thread_pool's scheduler types are not guaranteed to satisfy executor, so the properties likely cannot be applied to them.

It seems that it would be useful to be able to apply these properties to senders. Senders have access to an executor under the covers. When users get the sender from schedule and then pass it to submit or connect or to an asynchronous algorithm, they never have direct access to the executor. Users who want to customize or tune the executor in some way have to go through the sender to get to the executor, but there is no standard way to do that.

Similar reasoning applies to schedulers. Schedulers dole out senders which are associated with executors. It would be helpful for users to tell the scheduler what properties they want for their executors, and the scheduler would only create senders that are associated with executors with those properties.

One possible solution to this discrepancy is to change the is_applicable_property_v member of each executor property from executor<T> to executor<T> || sender<T> || scheduler<T>. That would allow all senders and schedulers to support these properties if desired. Support would still be opt-in; senders and schedulers would have to define the necessary overloads of query, require, and/or prefer to actually support the properties.

The other way for senders and schedulers to support these properties is to specialize std::is_applicable_property<T, P> as described in "Property applicability trait" in [P1393]: "It may be specialized to indicate applicability of a property to a type." Doing it this way can be verbose, requiring a specialization for each supported property by each non-executor class template.

The inconsistency in the use of properties by static_thread_pool's schedulers needs to be dealt with in some way. The three obvious choices are:

  1. Remove the support for properties, deleting the query and require functions from the scheduler types specification in section 2.5.3. This is not an ideal solution because it removed functionality that we feel is useful.

  2. Change the is_applicable_property_v members of all the relevant properties to have the value executor<T> || sender<T> || scheduler<T>. There are concerns that this disjunction, while not part of a concept definition, could still increase compile-time unnecessarily.

  3. Change the is_applicable_property_v members of all the relevant properties to have the value true. Some members of our group think that using a property defined in the execution namespace is enough of an opt-in, and don’t think that properties need to restrict their applicability.

  4. Specify that std::is_applicable_property<T, P> is specialized to have a base characteristic of true_type for scheduler types and the relevant properties. This is the most cumbersome solution, but it is the mechanism endorsed by P1393.

The review group agreed that this is an issue that needs to be addressed, but could not agree on the best way to address it. There was some support for all options other than option #1. In the current [Asio] implementation of static_thread_pool, a different approach was taken to solving this issue: the same template class implements the thread pool’s executors, senders, and schedulers. So that class satisfies all three executor, sender, and scheduler concepts.

Even though properties should already work as specified for static_thread_pool's sender types, it would be good if a similar approach was taken with the sender types. Or at least add a non-normative note pointing out that the properties work because the sender types satisfy the executor concept.

5.2. Generic blocking adapter is not implementable

The specification for blocking_adaptation_t::allowed_t in section contains:

This customization uses an adapter to implement the blocking_adaptation_t::allowed_t property.
template<class Executor>
  friend see-below require(Executor ex, blocking_adaptation_t::allowed_t);

This allows the blocking_adaptation.allowed property to be applied to any executor. If the executor does not support the blocking_adaptation.allowed property directly, then this require function will create a wrapper around the executor with the blocking_adaptation.allowed property established.

The specification for blocking_t::always_t in section contains:

If the executor has the blocking_adaptation_t::allowed_t property, this customization uses an adapter to implement the blocking_t::always_t property.
template<class Executor>
  friend see-below require(Executor ex, blocking_t::always_t);

This allows the blocking.always property to be applied to any executor that has the blocking_adaptation.allowed property. If the executor does not support the blocking.allowed property directly, then this require function will create a wrapper around the executor where calls to execute and bulk_execute will block.

The way these two properties are specified, it is possible to turn any executor into a blocking executor:

// This should work with almost any executor
executor auto blocking_ex = 
        std::require(ex, blocking_adaptation.allowed),
static_assert(std::query(blocking_ex, blocking) == blocking.always);

(It is possible for executor types to prevent these properties from being applied, but it takes extra work on the part of the executor. If executor type Ex wants to block the blocking_adaptation.allowed property, it would have to specialize std::is_applicable_property<Ex, blocking_adaptation_t::allowed_t> to be false, or it would have to define a deleted non-member function void require(Ex, blocking_adaptation_t::allowed_t) = delete; to be a better match during overload resolution than the require function defined by blocking_adaptation_t::allowed_t. For executor types that don’t go through this extra effort to block either of these two properties, the double-require example above will compile successfully.)

This is a problem because it is not possible to implement a blocking wrapper around every executor. Without understanding the details of the wrapped executor’s execution context, the wrapper can’t choose a synchronization primitive that will be known to work between the current thread and the wrapped executor’s execution context. For example, using a mutex or a condition variable for synchronization won’t work if the execution context is a fiber or certain GPUs. The standard properties for executors don’t provide enough information about the execution context for the wrapper to know the proper way to block.

A standard construct that makes it easy for users to write code that won’t work is poor design. Changes need to be made to the blocking_adaptation property. Here are some options. Some of them can be combined together.

  1. Remove blocking_adaptation property; remove the generic blocking.always adapter. Each executor knows best how to make it a blocking executor. It is not possible to have a general purpose blocking adapter that always works correctly. Converting a non-blocking executor to a blocking executor should be done by the executor itself, by implementing std::require(Ex, blocking_t::always_t). (If this approach is taken, the blocking.always property should become preferable. blocking_t::always_t::is_preferable should be changed from false to true.)

  2. Remove the generic blocking_adaptation.allowed adapter. The blocking_adaptation property would still exist, as would the generic blocking.always adapter. But there would be no generic adapter for adding the blocking_adaptation.allowed property to an arbitrary executor. Executors where the standard blocking.allowed adapter will work correctly would come with the blocking_adaptation.allowed property already established. More unusual executors that won’t work with the standard blocking.always adapter won’t support the blocking_adaptation.allowed property at all, and they will either provide their own implementation of std::require(Ex, blocking_t::always_t) or not provide any means to become a blocking executor.

  3. The blocking.always adapter requires a thread-based executor. It is possible to write a generic blocking adapter for executors that operate on standard threads, because many of the standard synchronization primitives are known to work correctly in that situation. To implement this requirement for thread-based executors, change the prerequisite for the blocking adapter to, "If the executor has the blocking_adaptation_t::allowed_t property and has either the mapping_t::thread_t or the mapping_t::new_thread_t property,".

  4. Change the name of blocking_adaptation and/or blocking to include "thread". Blocking adapters work best with thread-based executors. This could be better communicated to users by include "thread" in the property names, such as thread_blocking_adaptation or thread::blocking_adaptation.

We recommend option #1, which had the support of the majority of the review group.

If the committee feels strongly that a generic adapter for blocking.always should exist, then we recommend both option #2 and option #3.

5.3. Non-movable properties

[P1393] does not require properties to be movable or copyable. This was an intentional decision, and not an oversight. While all the properties defined in P0443 are movable and copyable, user-defined executors may define custom properties that are not movable or copyable. The executors framework, such as any_executor, should work correctly with such properties. That means any place that a generic property is passed as a parameter, it must be passed by const& and not by value. We have identified these places that should be changed to handle non-movable properties:

In any_executor, the functions query, require, and prefer accept a generic property by value. They need to be changed to accept it by const&. Using require as an example:

template <class Property>
any_executor require(const Property& p) const;

(We have heard that the any_executor review group is recommending changing these functions to take the property argument by forwarding reference. We are fine with that, and don’t believe that it would interfere with solving the non-movable property problem.)

any_executor's exposition-only FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY(p, pn) operation uses std::is_convertible to find the appropriate property. This operation won’t find non-movable properties because a non-movable type cannot be converted to itself. The definition should be changed as follows:

In several places in this section the operation FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY(p, pn) is used. All such uses mean the first type P in the parameter pack pn for which std::is_same_v<p, P> is true or std::is_convertible_v<p, P> is true. If no such type P exists, the operation FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY(p, pn) is ill-formed.

Chris Kohlhoff has tested this and has found these changes to be necessary and sufficient to support non-movable properties in any_executor.

Changing prefer_only to work with non-movable properties will be harder. The specification for prefer_only lists a public data member of the wrapper property type:

template<class InnerProperty>
struct prefer_only
  InnerProperty property;

The data member property should be an exposition-only member, not part of the public interface of the class. (If the public data member is intentional, then prefer_only cannot support non-copyable properties.) The prefer_only constructor should state that it keeps a copy of the wrapped property if InnerProperty is copyable, and that it keeps a reference to the wrapped property otherwise.

Even though end users should never have to create prefer_only objects (the end user only sees prefer_only in the type list for any_executor), the implementation of any_executor likely needs to create temporary prefer_only objects. (Asio’s implementation of any_executor creates such temporaries.) Therefore, prefer_only's ability to support non-movable properties affects the usability of any_executor.

5.4. Polymorphic executor wrappers and prefer-only properties

The specification of customization point std::prefer in [P1393] only checks for functions named require. If requiring the property fails, then std::prefer returns the original executor unchanged. The customization point never looks for functions named prefer.

(std::prefer is supposed to return the original object unchanged if requiring the property fails. But a wording bug in P1393 leaves out that fallback action. There needs to be an extra bullet inserted between the fourth and fifth bullets, so it will be third from the end:

This change must be made, even if the other proposed changes in this section are rejected.)

This specification of std::prefer makes it difficult for any_executor, or any other generic code that forwards require and prefer operations on properties, to correctly handle a property that can be preferred but not required.

As an example, assume that some property prefer_nice_t defines is_requirable = false and is_preferable = true. Assume that executor type maybe_nice_exec supports the property prefer_nice_t, such that given:

maybe_nice_exec e = ...;
auto nice_e = std::prefer(e, prefer_nice);

the executor nice_e has the property prefer_nice_t.

Now assume that we wrap a maybe_nice_exec in an any_executor and try to do the same prefer call:

maybe_nice_exec e = ...;
any_executor<prefer_nice_t> wrapped{e};
auto nice_wrapped = std::prefer(wrapped, prefer_nice);

Given the current specification of any_executor, this code will not behave as expected. nice_wrapped will not have the prefer_nice_t property. The call to std::prefer will try to call any_executor's require member function. The specification for that says:

Returns: A polymorphic wrapper whose target is the result of std::require(e, p), where e is the target object of *this.
The call to std::require(e, p) will fail immediately because is_requirable is false. The call will not be passed on to maybe_nice_exec to be handled. So the original std::prefer call will return the any_executor unchanged rather than returning a new any_executor whose target executor has the prefer_nice_t property.

To get the correct result, any_executor's require function has to call std::prefer instead of std::require when it was called by std::prefer. But it doesn’t have any foolproof way to know that it was called by std::prefer rather than std::require.

When generic code such as any_executor is forwarding calls to std::require and std::prefer from one object to a different object, it is not possible to forward the calls correctly because the important information of whether the original call was require or prefer is lost part way through the process.

The review group recommends that this issue be fixed by changing the specification of std::prefer in [P1393], having it check for functions named require first, then for functions named prefer, then falling back to returning the object unchanged.

The name prefer denotes a customization point object. The expression std::prefer(E, P0, Pn...) for some subexpressions E and P0, and where Pn... represents N subexpressions (where N is 0 or more, and with types T = decay_t<decltype(E)> and Prop0 = decay_t<decltype(P0)>) is expression-equivalent to:

Along with this change, any_executor's prefer function should be changed from a non-member function to a member function. The specification of the prefer function doesn’t need to otherwise change. (§ 5.3 Non-movable properties and § 5.5 any_executor's FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY suggest other changes to any_executor's prefer function, but those are separate issues.)

Please note that only generic code that wants to correctly forward std::require and std::prefer calls will need to define a prefer function. The vast majority of executors or other property-aware classes will only need to define require for the properties that they support. That require function will do the right thing for std::prefer for all normal property-aware classes.

This is the preferred solution for [Asio], which has already implemented this change.


The type-erased executor wrapper any_executor defines an exposition-only expression FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY(p, pn):

In several places in this section the operation FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY(p, pn) is used. All such uses mean the first type P in the parameter pack pn for which std::is_convertible_v<p, P> is true. If no such type P exists, the operation FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY(p, pn) is ill-formed.

This exposition-only expression is used in the specification of any_executor's require function:

template <class Property>
any_executor require(Property p) const;

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY(Property, SupportableProperties)::is_requirable is well-formed and has the value true.

Returns: A polymorphic wrapper whose target is the result of std::require(e, p), where e is the target object of *this.

Consider this example:

any_executor<blocking_t, blocking_t::never_t> ex{my_executor};

The ex.require(blocking.never) call is ill-formed. FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY finds blocking_t, because it is the first one in the list that is convertible from a blocking_t::never_t. But blocking_t::is_requirable is false, so this particular overload of require doesn’t participate in overload resolution. (This is not a contrived example. This pattern is in the first any_executor example in this paper.)

The fix is to check for is_convertible and is_requirable at the same time, rather than checking is_convertible first and is_requirable later. The specification of any_executor's require becomes (with the change from § 5.3 Non-movable properties thrown in):

template <class Property>
any_executor require(const Property& p) const;
Let FIND_REQUIRABLE_PROPERTY(p, pn) be the first type P in the parameter pack pn for which
  • is_same_v<p, P> is true or is_convertible_v<p, P> is true, and

  • P::is_requirable is true.

If no such P exists, the operation FIND_REQUIRABLE_PROPERTY(p, pn) is ill-formed.

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY FIND_REQUIRABLE_PROPERTY (Property, SupportableProperties) ::is_requirable is well-formed and has the value true .

Returns: A polymorphic wrapper whose target is the result of std::require(e, p), where e is the target object of *this.

A similar change also needs to be made to any_executor's prefer function. Combining this change with the one from § 5.3 Non-movable properties and changing the function from a non-member to a member as described in § 5.4 Polymorphic executor wrappers and prefer-only properties, the specification becomes:

template <class Property, class... SupportableProperties>
any_executor prefer(const any_executor<SupportableProperties...>& e, const Property& p);
Let FIND_PREFERABLE_PROPERTY(p, pn) be the first type P in the parameter pack pn for which
  • is_same_v<p, P> is true or is_convertible_v<p, P> is true, and

  • P::is_preferable is true.

If no such P exists, the operation FIND_PREFERABLE_PROPERTY(p, pn) is ill-formed.

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless FIND_CONVERTIBLE_PROPERTY FIND_PREFERABLE_PROPERTY (Property, SupportableProperties) ::is_preferable is well-formed and has the value true .

Returns: A polymorphic wrapper whose target is the result of std::prefer(e, p), where e is the target object of *this.

5.6. any_executor<P...>::target causes unused RTTI overhead

The member functions target and target_type of any_executor cause the generation of RTTI for every executor type that is potentially wrapped in an any_executor. This RTTI overhead is present even if target and target_type are never called because target_type is a non-template member function. Some users will likely object to the RTTI overhead as going against C++ principle of "What you don’t use, you don’t pay for."

Using a property rather than a member function to retrieve the target executor from an any_executor reduces the RTTI to situations where the target is actually retrieved. The property can be user-defined and doesn’t have to be part of the any_executor specification:

struct target_property_t
    using polymorphic_query_result_type = std::any;

    static constexpr bool is_requirable = false;
    static constexpr bool is_preferable = false;

    template<typename Ex>
    static constexpr bool is_applicable_property_v = std::execution::executor<Ex>;

template<typename Executor>
struct is_polymorphic_executor : std::false_type {};
template<typename ...Ps>
struct is_polymorphic_executor<std::execution::any_executor<Ps...>> : std::true_type {};
template<typename Executor>
inline constexpr bool is_polymorphic_executor_v = is_polymorphic_executor<Executor>::value;

template<typename Executor>
std::any query(Executor ex, target_property_t)
        "tried to query the target of a polymorphic executor which does not support target_property_t");
    return std::any(ex);

(This proof of concept, with some example code of how to use it, can be found here.)

If the committee is not overly concerned about the RTTI overhead, the specification can be left unchanged. If the committee likes this approach of using a property to retrieve the target executor, then the target and target_info members of any_executor should be removed and the target property can either be made a standard property or left to the user to define. The review group is not making any particular recommendation on this matter.

5.7. bulk_guarantee specification should match execution policies

The specification bulk_guarantee_t in section lists three possible values:

These correspond in some ways to the execution policies for parallel algorithms, except that there are four execution policies, and bulk_guarantee.unsequenced seems to correspond to parallel_unsequenced_policy rather than unsequenced_policy.

The relationship between the bulk_guarantee property and the execution policies needs to be better defined. Any differences between them needs to be clearly explained. (At least in P0443, if not in the text of the standard.) The review group believes this is an issue that the authors of P0443 need to address. They are better equipped to come up with the right wording than either the review group or LEWG.

Daisy Hollman thinks it could be helpful to move the specification of bulk_guarantee to a separate paper, because a proper treatment is a paper-length topic and any hand-waving could be harmful to eventual success.

5.8. What does "established property" mean?

Many places in the paper use the phrase "property already established" or something similar. But there is no precise definition of what "established" means. The paper should provide a definition, so that implementations (and users who write their own executor types) have a better understanding of what to implement.

Two obvious possible definitions of an established property might be:

  1. std::query(ex, prop) == prop_value is true.

  2. std::require(ex, prop) == ex is true (i.e. requiring the property has no effect).

Both of those definitions have flaws, and don’t work correctly in all situations. We don’t have a good suggestion of what the definition of an established property should be. Like the previous issue, we think this is something that the P0443 authors need to address.

(We have heard that the static_thread_pool review group is also suggesting how to define or reword "established property", at least for its uses in static_thread_pool. There may be overlap in this area.)

5.9. allocator_t::value should not be static

Section "allocator_t members" states:

static constexpr ProtoAllocator value() const;

Returns: The exposition-only member a_.

value is static, but the exposition-only member a_ is not. A static member function cannot access a non-static data member.

We think the correct fix is to change value to be a non-static member function. One purpose of the allocator property is to get an executor object to use a particular allocator object. The allocator property needs to store that particular allocator object, so there is not always a generic value that can be returned by a static value function.

5.10. context property has no constraints

The context property is a query-only property that can be used to get the execution context for an executor. For example, querying the context of an executor that came from a static_thread_pool will return the static_thread_pool object that created the executor.

The issue is that there are no requirements on the type or the value of the result of querying the context property. std::query(ex, std::execution::context) can be any type and doesn’t have to satisfy any particular concept. This makes the context property difficult to use in generic code. It is only really useful in code that knows something about the type of executor that it is working with.

We are not proposing that P0443 be changed to deal with this, since we didn’t think of any way to improve the situation. We are just raising this as an issue to be aware of.


Informative References

Chris Kohlhoff. Asio C++ library. URL: https://github.com/chriskohlhoff/asio/tree/asio-1-17-0
A Unified Executors Proposal for C++. URL: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2020/p0443r13.html
A General Property Customization Mechanism. URL: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2019/p1393r0.html
Jared Hoberock. History of Executor Properties. URL: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2020/p2033r0.pdf