Doc. no.: P1957R2
Date: 2020-2-10
Audience: LWG, CWG
Reply-to: Zhihao Yuan <zy at miator dot net>

Converting from T* to bool should be considered narrowing (re: US 212)

Changes since R1

Changes since R0


LWG 3228 “Surprising variant construction” shows that, after applying P0608R3[1], a user-defined type that is convertible to bool now may construct an alternative type other than bool:

bitset<4> b("0101");
variant<bool, int> v = b[1];  // holds int

This is a direct result of a workaround introduced in R3 of the paper. The original issue found in R1 was that treating boolean conversion as narrowing conversion by detecting it is not implementable in the library. And the workaround was to ban conversions to bool naively.


I propose to drop the workaround and treat a conversion from a pointer type or a pointer-to-member type to bool as narrowing conversion in the core language. The core language change should be a DR against C++17.


If MSVC standard library implements P0608 today (libc++ and libstdc++ have shipped P0608R3) without special treatment of conversions to bool (equivalent to applying the proposed wording Part 2), we will end up with an ideal situation.

Because MSVC considers non-literal pointer-to-bool conversion as a narrowing conversion:

// error C2397: conversion from 'char *' to 'bool' requires a narrowing conversion
bool y {new char()};

The rationale has been fully stated in N2215[2] when narrowing conversion was introduced to the standard in 2007:

Some implicit casts, […] Others, such as double->char and int*->bool, are widely considered embarrassments.

Our basic definition of narrowing (expressed using decltype) is that a conversion from T to T2 is narrowing unless we can guarantee that

T a = x;
T2 b = a;
T c = b;

implies that a==c for every initial value x; that is, that the T to T2 to T conversions are not value preserving.

One might argue that substituting in T = char* and T2 = bool will cause the 3rd line to fail to compile, which may suggest pointer-to-bool conversion to be slightly safer. Here is my response:

First, whether T2 to T conversion is implicit or explicit does not change the fact that T to T2 is not value preserving.

Second, when expressing what is not narrowing,

[…] or any combination of these conversions, except in cases where the initializer is a constant expression and the actual value will fit into the target object; that is, where decltype(x)(T{x})==decltype(x)(x).

The wording also used casts.

Constant evaluation

There is a question of whether narrowing conversion should exclude some cases when pointers are converting to bool in a constant expression. According to N2215’s rationale, only (T*)nullptr to bool is value preserving, but this is not what MSVC implemented. Rather than evaluating constant expressions, MSVC deems only literals to be non-narrowing.

I think neither tweak is necessary. The cases we may allow are at best as meaningful as

int x = {1.0};

About nullptr

“Conversion” from std::nullptr_t to bool is not involved in the discussion on narrowing conversions. It is not a boolean conversion, because nullptr is a null pointer constant, but not a null pointer value or null member pointer value. In short, std::nullptr_t is not convertible to bool, but bool is constructible from std::nullptr_t:

// error: converting to 'bool' from 'std::nullptr_t' requires direct-initialization
bool x = nullptr;
bool y = {nullptr};    // ditto
bool z{nullptr};       // ok

GCC implemented these correctly.

Data and impact

In Belfast, Core expressed concern about this change if applied as a DR against C++11. The breakage is suspected as bad as adding narrowing conversion to C++11. The author coordinated with people in Google and Facebook to experiment with the change (LLVM#D64034) on their codebase as well as FreeBSD ports (source-based package management system). The results are collected below.

Google’s codebase

Google’s codebase found two breakages. One of which is in Chromium code referring to an old version of V8 and is not a bug. It looks like the following:

ParameterList result{{}, {}, context->VARARGS(), {}};

ParameterList is declared as

struct ParameterList {
  std::vector<std::string> names;
  std::vector<TypeExpression*> types;
  bool has_varargs;
  std::string arguments_variable;

and VARARGS is a member function that returns antlr4::tree::TerminalNode*. This breakage is also found in FreeBSD port www/node10 (www/node is on version 13), where my proposed fix is:

ParameterList result{{}, {}, context->VARARGS() != nullptr, {}};

The other breakage is suspected to be a bug.

Facebook’s codebase

Facebook’s main codebase (excluding mobile, Oculus, etc.) failed 900 targets after applying the Clang patch. Semi-random samples point to the same issue, which is a bug:

template <typename T, size_t N>
auto count_unique(const std::array<T, N>& v)
    return std::unordered_set<T>{v.begin(), v.end()}.size();

When T is bool and v.begin() and v.end() are pointers (libc++ & libstdc++), the code above silently constructs a set from two bool values without the patch.

Facebook has fixed their codebase and is happy to land the core language change.

FreeBSD ports collection

We found 7 ports failed, and 300 ports skipped due to these failures. Among those, one duplicates what appears in Google’s codebase as aforementioned, two of them are the same because www/webkit2-gtk3 has an issue while java/openjfx8-devel inlined a copy of WebKit.

The five distinct issues are the following:

  1. avarice-2.13

    // DEV_ATMEGA32M1
        128, 256,       // 32768 bytes flash
        4, 256, // 1024 bytes EEPROM
        31 * 4, // 31 interrupt vectors
        NULL,   // registers not yet defined
        0x00, 0x0000, // fuses
            0   // no mkI support

    The struct definition starts with

    typedef struct {
     const char* name;
     const unsigned int device_id;
     unsigned int flash_page_size;
     unsigned int flash_page_count;
     unsigned char eeprom_page_size;
     unsigned int eeprom_page_count;
     unsigned int vectors_end;
     enum dev_flags device_flags;
     gdb_io_reg_def_type *io_reg_defs;
     bool is_xmega;

    The initializer to io_reg_defs should be either NULL or the atmega32m1_io_registers array of type gdb_io_reg_def_type []. The atmega32m1_io_registers array probably shouldn’t initialize the is_xmega field. This is suspected a bug.

  2. ecwolf-1.3.3

    static const struct ExpressionFunction
        const char* const                               name;
        int                                             ret;
        unsigned short                                  args;
        bool                                            takesRNG;
        FunctionSymbol::ExprFunction    function;
    } functions[] =
        { "cos",        TypeHierarchy::FLOAT,   1,      false,  ExprCos },
        { "frandom",    TypeHierarchy::FLOAT,   2,      true,   ExprFRandom },
        { "random",     TypeHierarchy::INT,     2,      true,   ExprRandom },
        { "sin",        TypeHierarchy::FLOAT,   1,      false,  ExprSin },
        { NULL, 0, false, NULL }

    The last initializer clause misses an initializer such as TypeHierarchy::VOID between NULL and 0. Note that NULL expands to nullptr on FreeBSD in the C++ code. However, Clang could have caught this issue if it correctly implements nullptr.

  3. openorienteering-mapper-0.9.1

    The code is intentional (using { } as a cast) and is not a bug.

    constexpr ObjectPathCoord::operator bool() const
        return bool { object };

    The following fix arguably conveys more information locally since the readers don’t have to guess what object is.

        return object != nullptr;
  4. ja-scim-anthy-1.2.7

    The code uses the wrong literals but is not a bug.

        N_("Show _tray icon"),

    The struct to initialize is

    struct BoolConfigData
        const char *key;
        bool        value;
        bool        default_value;
        const char *label;
        const char *title;
        const char *tooltip;
        void       *widget;
        bool        changed;

    Note that the file that triggers new errors has been patched already due to missed initializers.

  5. webkit2-gtk3-2.26.2

    if (view)
        m_mediaQueryEvaluator = MediaQueryEvaluator { view->mediaType() };
        m_mediaQueryEvaluator = MediaQueryEvaluator { "all" };

    The expression MediaQueryEvaluator { "all" } triggers an error because overload resolution brings it to the following constructor.

    class MediaQueryEvaluator {
        // Creates evaluator which evaluates only simple media queries.
        // Evaluator returns true for "all", and returns value of
        // \mediaFeatureResult for any media features.
        explicit MediaQueryEvaluator(bool mediaFeatureResult = false);

    And it is surprisingly intentional. It is not a (runtime) bug, but it also means that MediaQueryEvaluator { "none" } and MediaQueryEvaluator { "all" } have the same effect. This trick is refactored away in Blink.

After patching the seven ports, the previously skipped 300 ports build cleanly.

That’s all the breakages we found so far.


The wording is relative to N4849.

Part 1

Modify 9.4.4 [dcl.init.list]/7 as follows:

A narrowing conversion is an implicit conversion

— from a floating-point type to an integer type, or


— from an integer type or unscoped enumeration type to an integer type that cannot represent all the values of the original type, except where the source is a constant expression whose value after integral promotions will fit into the target type., or

— from a pointer type or a pointer-to-member type to bool.

[Note:— end note] [Example:

int ii = {2.0}; // error: narrows
float f1 { x }; // error: might narrow
float f2 { 7 }; // OK: 7 can be exactly represented as a float
bool b = {"meow"}; // error: narrows
int f(int);
int a[] = { 2, f(2), f(2.0) }; // OK: the double-to-int conversion is not at the top level

— end example]

Add a new paragraph to C.5.4 [diff.cpp17.dcl.dcl]:

Affected subclause: 9.4.4 [dcl.init.list]

Change: Boolean conversion from a pointer or pointer-to-member type is now a narrowing conversion.

Rationale: Catches bugs.

Effect on original feature: Valid C++ 2017 code may fail to compile in this International Standard. For example:

bool y[] = { "bc" };  // ill-formed; previously well-formed

A separate Core issue should be opened to grant DR status.

Part 2

Modify [variant.ctor]/12 as indicated:

template<class T> constexpr variant(T&& t) noexcept(see below );

Let Tj be a type that is determined as follows: build an imaginary function FUN(Ti) for each alternative type Ti for which Ti x[] = {std::forward<T>(t)}; is well-formed for some invented variable x and, if Ti is cv bool, remove_cvref_t<T> is bool. […]

Modify [variant.assign]/10 as indicated:

template<class T> variant& operator=(T&& t) noexcept(see below );

Let Tj be a type that is determined as follows: build an imaginary function FUN(Ti) for each alternative type Ti for which Ti x[] = {std::forward<T>(t)}; is well-formed for some invented variable x and, if Ti is cv bool, remove_cvref_t<T> is bool. […]


Thank Eric Fiselier and Victor Zverovich for their hard work and thoughts.


  1. Yuan, Zhihao. P0608R3 A sane variant converting constructor. ↩︎

  2. Stroustrup, Bjarne and Gabriel Dos Reis. N2215 Initializer lists (Rev. 3). ↩︎

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