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Response to P1156

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++


This paper discusses some issues with the preamble as described in the merged modules proposal (P1103R0), particularly in light of P1156 and implementation concerns raised since P1103R0 was discussed.

1. Background

1.1. Version of P1156

This paper is based on a draft of P1156R0 rather than the final version; the reader has my apologies for any discrepancies between its claims and the content of the final version of P1156R0.

1.2. What is the preamble for?

It is a near-universal convention that translation units in C++ use #include directives to import the interfaces of other libraries, and collect those #includes at the start of the translation unit. It is reasonable to consider what benefit we gain by converting this from a mere convention to a rule. There are several technical benefits, including:

In addition, promoting this from convention to language rule makes C++ code more uniform.

2. P1156R0 Section 3: Non-Modular Code

One important question that must be answered when determining how a module system will fit into the C++ ecosystem is: how are the dependencies of a translation unit determined?

In traditional compilations of simple programs, each translation unit can be compiled in isolation without an answer to this question. The set of dependencies can be computed as a side-effect of the compilation, and used only to decide when recompilation is necessary.

However, once the need for more complexity arises (for instance, if the program generates header files as part of its build process, or if a distributed build process needs to be sent all the requisite inputs for a compilation), a different strategy is needed. In practice, build systems that tackle such problems either have explicitly-specified dependencies on such headers, or perform #include scanning to determine the set of header files used by a source file. (Some build systems combine both strategies, for example requiring a superset of dependencies to be explicitly declared and refined to an actual dependency set via include scanning.)

We will not discuss systems with explicit specification of dependencies further, as dependencies for modules can be explicitly specified in much the same manner as for header files, and with the same benefits and disadvantages. Instead, we focus on #include scanning.

There are, broadly-speaking, two different approaches taken to perform #include scanning:

#define FOO "bar.h"
#ifndef FOO
#include "baz.h"
#include FOO

A precise scan would indicate that this file includes "bar.h", but an approximate scan will likely determine that it includes "baz.h".

Approximate scanning needs no additional language support to work with modules: the scanning tool can assume that the tokens after an import are not subject to macro expansion, and that all import declarations are reachable, just as it likely does for #include directives.

Precise scanning, however, needs to be able to scan (and therefore, in general, preprocess) the entire portion of the file that might contain imports, without already having a precompiled form of those imports. To support this, we require all legacy header imports to precede the point at which imported macros become visible, at least in translation units that have preambles.

Section 3 of P1156R0 suggests that the same rule should also apply to non-module translation units, in order to allow precise dependency scanning to be applied there too. However, this creates a problem. Consider:

// a.h
#ifndef A_H
#define A_H
import some.module;
// ...
// b.h
#ifndef B_H
#define B_H
#include "x.h"
#include "a.h"
// ...

The author of "b.h" may have no idea that "a.h" contains a module import -- and nor should they! And yet, after preprocessing, "b.h" expands to something like:

// ... declarations from x.h ...
import some.module;
// ... declarations from a.h ...
// ... declarations from b.h ...

... in which notably the import of some.module is in the middle of the translation unit. We cannot disallow these scenarios without blocking reasonable upgrade paths for existing legacy code.

2.1. Proposal

In this paper, we propose a different solution for precise dependency scanning for legacy translation units:

That is: within legacy code, we permit import of named modules, but not import of legacy header files. For headers, the traditional #include syntax must be used, and it’s implementation-defined whether and when those #includes are mapped into imports of legacy header units.

A precise include scanner can then merely collect the named module imports it sees, along with the names of header files that it enters, ambivalent of whether a #include will be translated into a legacy header import by the compiler.

A misconfigured build system might result in a non-modular header being treated as a legacy header unit. One consequence of this is that the "precise" include scanner may compute a different result than would be determined by the compiler. For example:
// nonmodular.h
#ifdef FOO
#define BAR
// legacy.cpp
#define FOO
#include "nonmodular.h"
#ifndef BAR
#include "other.h"

Here, if the build system is erroneously configured to treat nonmodular.h as a legacy header unit, include scanning may determine that legacy.cpp does not include "other.h", but when actually compiled, the macro FOO from legacy.cpp will not leak into nonmodular.h, and as a result, other.h will be included.

However, this is a consequence of a build system misconfiguration, and is just one of many things that will go wrong if non-modular headers are incorrectly configured as modular.

Even in this case, a build system can detect the problem by inspecting a list of dependencies produced by the compiler as a side-effect of compilation (for example using GCC’s -MD or MSVC’s /showIncludes).

Such an include scanner would then transitively scan all headers reachable from each visited legacy header, but this is no different from the status quo before modules are introduced. Modular compilations would still benefit from not needing to scan legacy header includes.

3. P1156R0 Section 4: Preamble End

In corner cases where the preamble is immediately followed by the expansion of an imported macro, it is non-trivial to determine where the preamble ends, both for the compiler and for a human reader.

module M;
import "foo.h";
#ifdef FOO
int x;
int y;
If "foo.h" exports a macro named FOO, then x should be declared according to the rules in P1103R0. But an import after the #ifdef block changes this behavior:
module M;
import "foo.h";
#ifdef FOO
int x;
import bar;
int y;
Now the preamble extends to the end of the import bar; declaration, and the #ifdef FOO block is not entered and x is not declared.

Various parties have proposed to solve this problem with an explicit preamble end marker. P1156R0 suggests import;. The GCC modules implementation suggests using simply ; (and only in the cases where the end of the preamble is not otherwise obvious). These suggestions introduce verbosity into the preamble that would be better avoided. We discuss some alternatives below.

3.1. Do not allow preprocessor action at the end of the preamble

Perhaps the simplest solution would be to make the corner cases where the end of the preamble is ambiguous ill-formed. More precisely:

This makes the first example above invalid, because the preprocessing-token after the ; that ends the preamble is the # preprocessing-token on line 3, but the next token in the preprocessed output is the int on line 6.

3.2. Defer macro import slightly more

Instead of deferring macro import until just after the last token of the preamble, we could instead defer macro import to just before the first token after the preamble.

This simplifies the technical problems with determining the end of the preamble: because it is an error to form the export and import tokens of an import declaration by macro expansion, we can preprocess the next token after the end of an import declaration; if it is neither of those, we can end the preamble, make imported macros visible, and carry on from that token.

Under this approach, the #ifdef FOO block would not be entered in either of the examples above, because in both cases it is part of the preamble. This does not completely remove the surprise from the example.

3.3. Do not defer macro import

Instead of deferring macro import until the end of the preamble, we could specify:

The first rule means that valid code always does what it looks like it does. In the first example above, FOO is imported and expanded. The second example above is ill-formed, because FOO was expanded before the end of the preamble.

This also preserves the ability to precisely determine the set of imports of a module unit without having precompiled module artifacts: if the program is valid, then no imported macros can affect the set of imports.

However, this loses the property that module imports can be reordered with no semantic effect on the program: reordering a legacy module unit import may change whether the program is ill-formed (but, if valid, not what it means). Tooling wishing to automatically rearrange imports can still do so by following the convention that legacy header imports are placed after all other imports (and thus cannot export macros whose names conflict with the names of any imported modules).

This approach also means that a compiler cannot slurp up all the imports first, hand them off to some other process (such as the build system) to compile in parallel, and then resume and process the rest of the file. However, there are good alternatives for an implementation to pursue. For example, the following strategy can be used:

  1. while the input stream starts with import or export import (without to any further preprocessing), preprocess and consume an import directive and add it to our list of imports

  2. take the list of imports, import those modules, make their macros visible, and preprocess until you can determine whether the next token(s) are import or export import; if so, go to step 1

  3. we have reached the end of the preamble

(An implementation can check after the fact if any of the identifiers it encountered in this process would have corresponded to an imported macro.)

3.4. Proposal

My preferred option is the final one above: make legacy header imports behave as if they import macros immediately, but make the program ill-formed if an imported macro would have been expanded within the preamble.

This approach provides a reasonable user model: attempts to make the set of imports depend on an imported macro are cleanly rejected rather than being accepted but doing something unexpected.

It also admits a relatively straightforward, single-pass implementation strategy, and allows precise dependency extraction for valid code without the need for pre-built module artifacts for dependencies.

4. P1156R0 Section 5: Module Partitions

We wish to suggest a correction to P1156R0; D1156R0 section 5 says:

The fact that there can (presumably) be both interface and implementation partition units for the same partition further complicates things [...]

However, P1103R0 dcl.module.unitp3 disallows this situation:

A named module shall not contain multiple module partitions with the same sequence of identifiers in their module-partitions.

That is, the names of module partitions are all distinct, regardless of whether they are interface or implementation partitions. (This must be the case, otherwise the import :partition; syntax could not uniquely identify the partition to import.)