WG15 Minutes from Munich
October 28-31, 1996

1. Opening

The WG15 Meeting was opened on Monday, October 28, 1996 by Ron Elliott.

.1.1 Welcome from Host

Ron Elliott welcomed the WG15 participants on behalf of the Host: DIN. He explained the possible coffee and meal breaks and the shuttle bus times for the Hotel.

1.2 Introduction and Roll Call of Technical Experts

Nobuo Saito, Japan; HoD

Hermann Weegenaar Netherlands; HoD

Keld Simonsen, Denmark, HoD

Lowell Johnson, U.S.

Roger Martin, U.S.; HoD

David Blackwood, Canada; HoD

Jay Ashford, U.S.

Martin Kirk, U.K.; X/Open Liaison

David Cannon, U.K.

Nick Stoughton, U.K.; HoD

Jim Isaak Convener

Ron Elliott, Germany, Host Chair & Secretary

1.2.1 Verification of HoD-PASC Distribution

Name and address list circulated. National Bodies requested to return with correct addresses and any National Body electronic mail address. SD6 sent by Postal mail.

1.3 Drafting Committee

Jay Ashford, David Blackwood and Nick Stoughton volunteered for the drafting committee, and Jay Ashford was appointed chair.

1.4 Adoption of Agenda

Agenda N678R2 was adopted

1.5 Adoption of Minutes

Adoption of Minutes from Copenhagen (N677) without change

1.6 Action Item Review & National Reports

Action Items Resulting from May 1996 Resolutions

9605-01 Japan and Netherlands - provide URLs and other information they would like posted to the WG15 web page (rolled over from 9510-08 on Member Bodies). OPEN

9605-02 Canada and France - review N596 (about Open Systems participants from AFNOR) and provide written comments or extensions for the October, 1996 meeting. (rolled over from 9510-11 on Member Bodies). CLOSED Canada responded in WG15 N690, France did not reply

9605-03 U.S. - investigate the availability of the text in electronic form for the most complete merged copy of 1003.1, its integrated amendments, and corrigenda, and transfer the text to Denmark when it is available. (rolled over from 9510-16). OPEN US has sent it to Denmark, but not yet arrived.

9605-04 Project Editor - forward the results from the 1387.2 (15068-2) editing meeting to the SC22 Secretariat and the WG15 Convener when the IEEE version is completed. (rolled over from 9510-21 and 9505-21). CLOSED

9605-05 Denmark - report at the October, 1996 WG15 meeting what the state of their LIS work is, and what they expect to be able to accomplish. (rolled over from 9510-23 and 9505-24). OPEN: Source not yet received from the US development body. Denmark has been investigating what methods are available, but are waiting for the new specification before finalizing their work.

9605-06 Project Editor - request ITTF to assign part number 0 to IEEE 1372 LIS for JTC1 numbering. (rolled over from 9510-25 on the Project Editor and 9505-42) (former open action items 9310-64, 9405-28, and 9410-07). OPEN - Simonsen is the project editor

9605-07 Convener - write a cover letter to National Bodies to consider the general issue of subsetting base standards from within profiles during their review of 1003.13.(rolled over from 9510-34, which came from RGCPA issue #6). OPEN, since 1003.13 not yet available

9605-08 U.S. - forward the appropriate draft of IEEE 1003.1g as ISO/IEC 9945-1 Amendment for Protocol Independent Interfaces (JTC1. to the SC22 secretariat for PDAM registration and ballot. (rolled over from 9510-41 which came from R 95-317). OPEN, currently Draft 6.4 (SC22 N2213) has been sent for PDAM registration and ballot closing December 1996. This document is unusable and is only the corrections to Draft 6.3.

9605-09 U.S. - forward the current draft of IEEE 1003.1a as ISO/IEC 9945-1 Amendment for System Interface Extensions (JTC1.22.39) to the SC22 Secretariat for Review and Comment. changed from PDAM registration in 9510-47 which came from R 95-323). CLOSED - Draft 12 has been sent for ballot, closing Dec. 1996

9605-10 Convener - request SC22 to terminate subdivision projects JTC1. (Administered Systems: Batch Services) and JTC1. (C Language Bindings: Batch API Administration Amendment). (rolled over from 9510-50 which came from R 95-326). CLOSED

Action Items Resulting from May 1996 Resolutions

9605-11 U.S. - forward the current draft of IEEE P2003 to the EWOS / EG-CT Expert Group for information. CLOSED

9605-12 Member Bodies - respond to IDI to indicate interest, e-mail, and address for the HoD's interested in receiving access to the PASC electronic distribution of materials. CLOSED

9605-13 Keld Simonsen - capture the discussion on national profiles from the Orlando meeting (see minutes, p7) for the purpose of updating the issue list. CLOSED

9605-14 Members Bodies - provide comments to the Convener on documents N633, and N634 regarding conformity assessment plans and interoperability before August 1 for input to the SC22 meeting. CLOSED

9605-15 Convener - consolidate the national body comments on N633 and N634 and report to SC22. CLOSED

9605-16 U.S. - make all working drafts from the development body available in a manner consistent with the JTC1 on-line access policy. OPEN. - ISO/IEC policies require a controlled access to documents. JTC1 has requested ISO/IEC to change their policy. The US development body must wait for the outcome of the JTC1 ISO/IEC policy outcome.

9605-17 Member Bodies - report to the Convener if they have volunteers for representing SC22 in the GII working group. CLOSED No volunteers found.

9605-18 Keld Simonsen - electronically distribute the report on the revision of the C Standard with respect to the alignment with 9945-1 and the new Internationalization material derived from 9945-2. CLOSED

9605-19 Member Bodies - recommend people as project editors for the following areas:

Ada, OSE, and Profiles. CLOSED The US has nominated Ted Baker for Ada and Jim Oblinger for Profiles. The UK has nominated Don Folland, if no other volunteers were nominated. Ted Baker and Jim Oblinger were confirmed by E-Mail ballot and the result forwarded to SC22.

9605-20 U.S. - find out from PASC what happened to the defect reports (see SC22 N1236 and WG15 N676), distribute them to WG15, and invite Andrew Josey (PASC Vice-chair of Interpretations) to attend one of our WG15 meetings since he is the internationally recognized expert for this material. CLOSED

9605-21 Member Bodies - look for a solution to the problem of extended identifiers in 1003.2 (from RIN issue 0) and report back. OPEN The US has reviewed the problem and have found no way to solve it. The UK understands that WG14 is currently looking at this problem and would like to wait until WG14 reports their findings. The action has been accepted by Denmark.

9605-22 Japan and Denmark - provide comments on the PASC proposal contained in WG15 document # N640r. CLOSED N847 from Japan and Denmark sent comments directly to PASC .

9605-23 Keld Simonsen - supply a table of information about research and products that support the functionality the of LC_TRANS extension to the IEEE 1003.2 working group by June 15. CLOSED

9605-24 Japan and Denmark - provide responses to the issues raised in N664 and submit to the IEEE 1003.2 working group by July 1 for consideration at the July PASC meeting in Nashua, NH. CLOSED

9605-25 Japan - provide the latest version of the GPNPNL source document to use as a base document for the National Profiles and Locales project. CLOSED

9605-26 U.S. - provide the expected date for TFA to go to concurrent PDAM registration and ballot. OPEN Draft 8.1 has been submitted to PDAM registration but US does not believe it is ready for PDAM ballot. Request that WG15 review Draft 8.1 and send comments regarding market relevance.

9605-27 Convener - investigate the ISO procedures for limits on the number of amendments and how this relates to how they are accepted by regional bodies (like CEN). CLOSED See Conveners report.

9605-28 Convener - contact each national body to verify their participation status in WG15 and obtain / verify e-mail addresses for each. CLOSED

9605-29 Convener - inform SC22 of the WG15 procedures for electronic balloting within WG15. CLOSED

9605-30 Keld Simonsen - set up a restricted access web server for WG15 use on which we can put up drafts or other controlled access documents. OPEN

9605-31 U.S. - provide an electronic version of the POSIX 1003.13 profiles presentation to put on the WG15 web page. OPEN US sent it but Denmark didn't receive it.

9605-32 U.S. - provide a summary of the option annexes in the POSIX standards to be put on the WG15 web page. OPEN

9605-33 Denmark and Japan - work with the WG15 SGFS liaison (Willem Wakker) to figure out how National Profiles could be incorporated into TR-10000. OPEN

9605-34 U.S. - provide the latest drafts of 1003.10 and 1003.13 for evaluation of consistency with TR-10000, and send out the required cover material (the "explanatory report") for WG15 review and comment. OPEN Work has been reassigned and is expected to be completed by Spring 1997 WG15 meeting.

9605-35 Convener - investigate how we get registration and ballot done for PDISP documents (ie profiles). CLOSED See Conveners report (N687).

9605-36 Denmark - create a proposed scope and purpose for new IEEE 1003.2 utilities, which can then be used for both an SC22 work item and an IEEE PAR. OPEN

9605-37 U.S. - provide the Batch Services document 1003.2d to ITTF (if they have not already done so). CLOSED US has requested IEEE to forward document.

9605-38 U.S. - verify that the correct draft of 1003.2d (12.2 vs 13) was circulated to ISO for ballot. (DAM ballot for this closes July 21). CLOSED US was able to confirm that an incorrect draft was sent for DAM ballot. Norm Aaronson (Project Editor) is requested to forward the correct draft to ITTF (resolution xxxx)

9605-39 C Liaison - ask for an interpretation on the classification of non-break space and soft hyphen (see N674 items 1 and 2) WG14. CLOSED Brought to Amsterdam meeting of WG14 who says it is not their job to classify these items. WG20 is preparing a new document where they are classifying all these characters.

9605-40 Member Bodies - communicate this information (on non-break space and soft hyphen) to their internationalization experts to deal with. CLOSED

9605-41 C Liaison - ask ISO C for an interpretation on the 'toupper i' issue (see N674 item 3). CLOSED WG14 was asked but once again stated that it is outside their scope.

9605-42 U.S. - forward 1387.2 and 1387.3 to the JTC1 secretariat for DIS balloting as soon as practicable. CLOSED 1387.2 has been sent to ITTF and 1387.3 will be sent as soon as practicable.

9605-43 Member Bodies - verify that normative reference to the new C Language Standard and Amendments does not cause any problems with 9945-1 and 9945-2. CLOSED UK reports, in N694, that there are a couple of areas where there may be some problems.

9605-44 U.S. - advise the Convener on the status of the P2003 revision of IEEE 1003.3. CLOSED Currently passed recirculation ballot.

9605-45 X/Open - investigate providing the DISA document (re Single UNIX Specification) to WG15. CLOSED No copy of the document is available. It was a transient document.

9605-46 Member Bodies - have their technical experts identify any specific elements of the Single UNIX Specification that should be included in POSIX. CLOSED Netherlands and Denmark request a copy of the Spec and will then complete this item.

9605-47 X/Open - investigate supplying the Single UNIX Specification (probably in CD-ROM form) to HoD's that request it for evaluation. CLOSED X/Open is willing to supply copies of the Single UNIX Spec. on a CD-ROM which will only run on Windows.

9605-48 Editor of POSIX National Profiles and Locales - incorporate N658 into that document. (Keld is editor). OPEN

9605-49 U.S. - provide assistance with the LIS PAR to be revised. OPEN

9605-50 Keld Simonsen and Dave Cannon - ensure the RIN issues list is complete. CLOSED Appropriate document passed to Convener as N675.

Action Items Resulting from May 1996 Resolutions

9605-51 Convener - notify SC21/WG4 that we have terminated the position of liaison to their group on the recommendation of that liaison that no further liaison activities are expected for the foreseeable future. (R 96-330) CLOSED WG4 has now disbanded so the liaison is no longer appropriate.

9605-52 Convener - forward the nominations of the following persons:

Stephe Walli - JTC1 22.39 and JTC1 22.41

Barry Hedquist - JTC1 22.14515 and JTC1 22.37

Keld Simonsen - JTC1 and JTC1 22.14677

as project editors to SC22 for confirmation. (R 96- 332).


9605-53 P9945-2 Project Editor - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.2b (JTC1.22.41). (R 96-334) OPEN

9605-54 P9945-2 Project Editor - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.2c (JTC1.22.43). (R 96-334). OPEN

9605-55 P9945-1 Project Editor - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.1e (JTC1.22.42). (R 96-334). OPEN

9605-56 P14515 Project Editor - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 2003.2 (JTC1.22.14515-2). (R 96-334). CLOSED No comments so no disposition required.

9605-57 U.S. - invite the development body for proposed work on the Guidelines for POSIX National Profiles and National Locales to hold one of its meetings each year in conjunction with the first WG15 meeting of the year. (R 96-336). OPEN The group has not yet been formed yet, but after they are formed they will be invited.

9605-58 Convener - notify SC22 that the following projects:


JTC1 (Real Time)

JTC1 (Threads)

have been completed and integrated into the primary document, and since future revisions will be done as part of the main document, these work items may be terminated. (R 96-338). CLOSED

9605-59 Convener - request that SC22 extend the deadline of the following projects which have not reached the CD/PDAM registration within the required 3 year time limit: 9945-0 Language Independent 9945-1 Transparent. File Access 9945-1 Protocol Independent. Interfaces 15068-4 Print Administration 14519 Ada Real Time Binding

22.39 9945-1 System API addendum

22.40 9945-1 Real Time addendum

From resolution (R 96-339)


9605-60 Convener - forward the draft Taxonomy Change Proposal prepared by the U.S. member body to the SC22 Secretariat with the recommendation that it be forwarded to SGFS with appropriate header information as defined in WG15 N651. (R 96-340). CLOSED

9605-61 Convener - request SC22's approval of appropriate Division of Work items to permit the work on POSIX OSE profiles (IEEE 1003.10, 1003.13) as defined in the Taxonomy Change Proposal (WG15 N643) and also request an appropriate Division of Work item for 1003.1j (advanced realtime). (R 96-341) CLOSED

9605-62 Convener - notify SC22 of WG15's proposal (N649) for decision making by email (using SO 646 format for documents) whereby a response or a request for a 15 day extension is due within 45 days of transmission and reminders will be sent out to non-respondents after 15 and 30 days, and encourages SC22 to implement a similar proposal. (R 96-342). CLOSED

9605-63 U.S. - get approval of the U.S. development body on the new synchronization plan as amended by WG15 N676. (R 96-343). OPEN

9605-64 Convener - get approval of the SC22 on the new synchronization plan as amended by WG15 N676. (R 96-343). CLOSED

9605-65 U.S. - convey the wishes of WG15 to the development body, IEEE, and ITTF to merge base standards with their amendments for re-publication at the earliest opportunity so that each IS will be contained within a single published document. (R 96-344). CLOSED

9605-66 U.S. - forward the appropriate draft of IEEE 1003.1a System API Amendment (JTC1 22.39) to the SC22 Secretariat for concurrent CD/PDAM Registration and Ballot. (R 96-345). CLOSED See 9605-09

9605-67 Convener - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.1a System API Amendment (JTC1 22.39).R 96-345). OPEN Ballot not yet closed. Reassign to Project Editor (Stephe Walli)

9605-68 U.S. - forward the appropriate draft of IEEE 1003.1f Transparent File Access (JTC1 to the SC22 Secretariat for concurrent CD/PDAM Registration and Ballot. (R 96-345). CLOSED See 9605-26

9605-69 Convener - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.1f Transparent File Access (JTC1 (R 96-345). OPEN Ballot not closed and market relevance is also apporpriate here.

9605-70 U.S. - forward the appropriate draft of IEEE 1003.1g Protocol Independent Interface (JTC1 to the SC22 Secretariat for concurrent CD/PDAM Registration and Ballot.(R 96-345). CLOSED See 9605-08

9605-71 Convener - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.1g Protocol Independent Interface (JTC1 (R 96-345). OPEN Ballot not closed. Reassign to Project Editor (Stephe Walli)

9605-72 U.S. - forward the appropriate draft of IEEE 1387.4 Print Administration (JTC1 22.15068-4) to the SC22 Secretariat for concurrent CD/PDAM Registration and Ballot. (R 96-345). CLOSED Only submitted for CD-Registration which closes in December.

9605-73 Convener - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1387.4 Print Administration (JTC1 22.15068-4). (R96-345). OPEN Reassigned to Project Editor (Martin Kirk)

9605-74 U.S. - forward the appropriate draft of IEEE 1003.1j Advanced Real Time Extensions (JTC1 project number not yet assigned) to the SC22 Secretariat for PDAM Registration only. (R 96-346). CLOSED Draft 5 has been forwarded.

9605-75 Convener - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.1j Advanced Real Time Extensions (JTC1 project number not yet assigned). (R 96-346). OPEN Ballot closes 12.96

9605-76 U.S. - forward the appropriate draft of IEEE 2003 Test Methods (for revisions) (JTC1 22.37) to the SC22 Secretariat for CD Registration only. (R 96-347). CLOSED Draft 7 submitted. Registration closes 12/96.

9605-77 U.S. - forward the appropriate draft of IEEE 2003.1b Test Methods for Real Time Extensions (JTC1 14515-1.02) to the SC22 Secretariat for PDAM Registration only. (R 96-346). CLOSED Draft 5 submitted. Registration closes 12/96.

9605-78 Convener - forward the WG15 recommendation contained in resolution 96.348 to SC22. CLOSED

A review of the national Reports was made with the following result:

Canada (N689) - nothing further

Germany (N695) - nothing further

Japan (N693) - Is there any schedule available for the republication of the merged 9945-1? There is no fixed date.

Netherlands (N692) - nothing further

U.K. (N694) - nothing further

U.S. (N688) - nothing further

Convener (N687) - nothing further.

2. Status, Liaison and Action Item Reports

2.1 Issues List

The Issue List (SD3) now contains 3 new issues coming from the RIN Issue list.

2.2 JTC1 Actions affecting Group

JTC1 has a re-engineering activity looking at all work to ensure that it has market relevance so that it can be moved forward more rapidly. SC22 has also forwarded information back to JTC1. WG15 removal of some projects is going along these lines.

Final CD activity: ISO has now accepted a new JTC1 proposal. The DIS level ballot will be a "no comment" vote. We must ensure that the Synchronization plan clearly defines what role the CD-ballot plays. By June next year we must have this clearly defined. National Bodies should use the registration ballot to get in comments. The Final CD Ballot is longer (6 months) to allow wider distribution. There must always be a Final CD ballot even if the CD ballot had no comment.The DIS ballot is shorter (4 months). Thus there is the danger of dragging out the balloting time by the additional CD ballot.

2.3 SC22 Actions

SC22 Convenor report is N687. All proposals for Project Editors were accepted. All changes, deletions, etc. of items of work were accepted. The synchronizaton plan was accepted with a request to WG15 to update the Synchronization plan to include the new Final CD process.

The Taxonomy work has been forwarded to SGFS. Need to work on the explanatory reports. SC22 endorsed the idea of Fast Track for the Ada Real-time work. The documents presented on confomity assessment were accepted and our concepts were considerd along with those of other groups.

Lots of discussion given to electronic presentation. What sorts of documents, what formats and what distribtuion methods. Everybody seems to be wanting to use similar new methods so we shoud just go with the flow, but encourage the new methods to be implemented as soon as possible.

A SC22 noted that SC26 has a registration ballot of ANDF work. SC22 requested SC26 to provide infomation on this topic to SC22 since ANDF also influences portability. Two documents are currently available.

2.4 Report of PASC Standard Projects

SD11 has been updated on the Web. Jay Ashford willing to hear of any suggestions about format or contact. A message is sent to the WG15 mail reflector whenever an update is made to SD11.

2.5 Liaison & Working

2.5.1 WG9/Ada

No written report. No information

2.5.2 WG11 Cross Language

No written report. Have completed several standards which may be of interest (LID and LIPC).

2.5.3 WG20/I18n

No written report this meeting. The work is mainly based on the C and POSIX internationalization work. About to send for CD Registration ballot the Cultural Conventions, which is based on the POSIX work. Making a local for the whole 10646.

2.5.4 WG21/C++

No written report. Nothing to report for WG15. Still making new proposals for the library parts. Hope that they will move toward DIS ballot within the next 12 months.

2.5.5 SGFS

No written report. N686 is the official notification from SGFS nominating Willem Wakker as the liaison to WG15. The conveners reports contains some information from SGFS in answer to questions which WG15 had posed to SGFS.

2.5.6 WG22/PCTE

No written report. Nothing new to report. SC22WG15.881 E-mail was received from Ted baker in August referring to PCTE/Ada work.

2.5.7 WG14/C Language

No written report. SC22WG15.859 was provided as the answer to the action report discussing the alignment of the C-Standard with the POSIX standard. The paper is being worked on by the C-group but is not yet finalized. The input for future revisions closes at the January 1997 meeting.

2.5.8 EWOS Liiaison

Dave Raynor asked all member bodies to review EWOS OSE Conformance Testing Documents.

2.5.9 X/Open

Nothing to report in additional to the action items.

2.6 Editors Reports

No written reports were available.

One of the main problems with the WG15 documents is that the material is in troff format. Any new document should be put in a form as close to html as possible.

2.7 Defect Reports/Interpretations

Andrew Josey, the Chair of Interpretations, kindly joined us to discuss the Interpretation process which handles Interpretations on the IEEE POSIX Standards.

Interpretation requests should be sent to the following E-Mail address:-
An acknowledgement will be sent within a couple of weeks.

IEEE publishes Interpretations sometimes in paper form but they are going to Web publishing.

The latest status of Interpretations is available under
The interpretations groups are PASC groups.

Defect Reports coming in from the ISO process need to be flagged at the PASC level to signify that they are generated from Defect Reports and the response needs to go back to WG15 to handle. All interpretations affecting ISO POSIX standards are of interest to WG15. Andrew Josey should forward all the Interpretations via the U.S. WG15 TAG, to WG15. The proposed responses will be discussed at the May 1997 meeting with the intent of forwarding these responses to SC22 for publication.

3.0 Specific Actions for this Meeting

3.1 Collection of National Profiles

Keld has collected 2 new locales from Canada and 4 new locales from Denmark. They will be made available on the Web server for anyone to access. The Danish locales are being put into the CEN registry.

3.2 Review of PASC Interpretations

3.3 Input from Denmark, Japan, SGFS on national profiles and TR10000

There is no input from Japan. Denmark reported something on this matter in their report. Denmark has has made several suggestions but SGFS has not come up with a solution to the problem of getting National profiles into ISP's.

WG15 might want to put pointers to National profiles into the standards documents so that everyone knows where to find the information about the locales.

3.4 Review of POSIX Profiles: 1003.10 and 1003.13

This was reviewed earlier in the session and action items raised to ensure that the information gets distributed.

4.0 Actions arising from Reports

4.1 Actions related to Issues

Nothing to report

4.2 Responses to JTC1 or SC22 actions

The synchronization plan is being updated as a response to the SC22 and JTC1 request.

4.3 Proposals related to IEEE PASC activities and/or Priorities

Every item of work has a document associated with it except for the LIS and National Profile Guide. That means that in 2 years that will be the only work which WG15 is doing.

X/Open might be putting something through the PASC process to see how it works, what the cost is, and what are the benefits of using the process. If the first one is successful then there might be more coming the same way. This might change the way WG15 is working since there will then be standards coming in from various different groups.

4.4 Liaison statements & actions related thereto

4.4.1 WG20 Issues

This is already covered by an action item and under 2.5.3.

4.5 Defect Reports/Interpretations & Corrigenda

See 2.7 and 3.2

5 Project Activities

5.0 New Work

5.0.1 Checkpoint-Restart division of work

There is no draft yet available for 1003.1M, which covers checkpoint restart. The U.S. has been requested to supply more information on this topic so that WG15 can consider whether it wants to be involved in the work.

5.1 9945-0 LIS System Interface

The documents is being transferred to Denmark. Keld Simonsen would like to know what sort of specification language they should use (Language Independent Datatypes (LID) and Interface Definition Language (IDL). Both IDL's are ISO standards. The working group is free to choose the specification language.

JTC1 now requires that for every language independent binding there must be at least on language binding available. This is currently no problem since we already have a C-Language binding available. We may also want to ensure that the PAR shows that the LIS and C-Language binding are tied together to ensure that the JTC1 requirement is always met.

5.2 9945-2 Shell & Utilities

5.2.1 22.41 Additional Utilities

Disposition of comments has to be done for this document. Other comments regarding this subject are already covered in action items.

5.2.2 22.43 Security Amendments

Disposition of comments meeting also required. There is an action item on the convener to ensure that this takes place as soon as possible.

5.2.3 Batch Services

The document that was balloted was the incorrect document and there is a resolution requesting the U.S. to ensure that the correct document is sent to SC22 for circulation.

5.3 15068 Administered Systems

5.3.1 System Administration Overview (1387.1)

1387.1 is currently a dorment project.

5.3.2 Software Administration (1387.2)

The text for the finaI IEEE standard has been forwarded to ITTF to register it as a DIS.

5.3.3 User Administration (1387.3)

Has completed the IEEE ballot and will be forwarded to ITTF for DIS ballot after the IEEE has done their final editorial work.

5.3.4 Print Administration (1387.4)

Still in ballot resolution in IEEE. Recirculation should occur early 1997. It is in CD registration in ISO at the moment and will complete in December. It would not be productive to run the CD ballot on that draft. There should be National Body comments requesting that the latest draft be used for the CD ballot.

5.4 9945-1 C Language Bindings

5.4.1 22.39 Extensions to Base (1003.1a)

PDAM registration ballot finishes in December. It has not yet passed the IEEE Ballot, but balloting will start in the next few days on a much later draft. The draft that should be used for PDAM ballot should be Draft 13 or later. There should be National Body comments requesting that the latest draft be used for the PDAM ballot.

The U.S. is currently reviewing it's procedures to take account of the new JTC1 and SC22 procedures. WG15 wishes to ensure that the documents which have been sent for PDAM registration are not the same as those which will be used for PDAM Ballot.

5.4.2 22.21.40 Extensions to real time (1003.1d)

Same status as 1003.1a.

5.4.3 22.42 Security Amendment (1003.1e)

The PDAM ballot has completed and it is waiting disposition of comments. If this work slips past April then we might be forced to do a Final PDAM Ballot, otherwise it could go for DIS ballot.

5.4.4 Transparent File Access (1003.1f)

Member bodies have been requested to look at the market relevence of this project, (SC22 N2212). It is stalled in the IEEE process since there were too many abstentions. If the document is of market relevence and people believe it should be moved forward, then it should be out forward for PDAM registration and maybe removed from the U.S. work items.

5.4.5 Protocol Independent Interfaces (1003.1g)

The document is currently in PDAM ballot closing in 02.12.96. The U.K. will be voting NO on the ballot for this document. The Netherlands will also vote NO since they do not have the complete document. It was requested that the disposition of comments meeting be held at the earliest possible moment after the closure of ballot. The document in ballot only contains changes and it is not a complete document so a new ballot should be initiated with the complete document.

N696 discusses a problem with 1003.1g which has to do with 64-bit implementations and the U.K. wishes to have the IEEE modified to include the suggestions in N696. The U.S. do not know when they will get a complete document.

The SC22 secretariat should send out the correct document (with different SC22 number), and maybe extend the ballot time.

The U.K. should send a full copy to the WG15 Convener, who would give it a WG15 number, circulate it to WG15 Member Bodies, who should then use this document as the base for further ballot comments.

5.4.6 Advanced Real Time Extensions (1003.1j)

Draft 5 of this document was in IEEE Ballot but only got 38% approval. It is recommended that Draft 5 be sent for PDAM registration only (this is in accordance with the Synchronization plan). This is an action item on the Convener.

5.5 14519 Ada Language Bindings

No discussion

5.6 14252 Guide to POSIX OSE

Don Folland is willing to act as Project Editor for this document.

5.7 13210, 14515-x Test Methods

5.7.1 22.37 CD13219 Test Methods (2003R)

Final CD would apply in this case. The U.S. expects a final recirculation to happen fairly soon so we could expect the Final CD Ballot to start before the next WG15 meeting.

5.7.2 14515-1 Test Methods for 9945-1-1990

Completed Test Methods fro 1990 component (2003.1)

Completed Test Methods for Real Time Extensions (2003.1b)

PDAM registration is in process on Draft 5 and is closing in December. PDAM ballot will take place on a subsequent draft.

5.7.3 14515-2 Test Methods for 9945-2 (2003.2)

The approved IEEE standard (2003.2-1996) should be used as the document for DIS ballot.

5.8 Guide for National Profiles & Locales (14766)

The PAR has not yet been submitted. It has to be received by the IEEE office by 1.11.96 in order to get into the next Standards Board meeting.

6.0 New Business

SC22 has formed a study group on the topic of Java standardization. The academic community thinks Java is a good language for teaching programming. There are several areas for possible standardization which are being backed by various groups (e.g. Java Byte Code, Java Class Libraries).

The PASC group discussed this in July and subsequent to that meeting Netscape is proposing that Java Script be brought into the ECMA environment. ActivX is being pushed by Microsoft as something for Web portable applications. The SC22 and SC29/WG12 study groups will meet in Jan. 1997 in Cupertino.

More information can be obtained from the WWW at http://WWW.dkuug.dk/JTC1/SC22/JSG/

7.0 Review and Approval

7.1 Resolutions

The following resolutions were approved during the October 1996 JTC1/SC22/WG15 meeting. All were approved unanimously except as noted below:

96-352: Project Editor for 14525 (P1003.0)

Pursuant to its intention of May 1995 to divide the work of Project Editor for WG15 and the subsequent UK National Body proposal, Don Folland of the UK is hereby nominated by WG15 as Project Editor for JTC1 22.38 (ISO/IEC TR14252, IEEE P1003.0). WG15 requests that SC22 confirm the nomination.

96-353: Project Editor for 9945-2 DAM 1 (P1003.2d)

Pursuant to its intention of May 1995 to divide the work of Project Editor for WG15 and the subsequent US National Body proposal, Norm Aaronson of the US is hereby nominated by WG15 as Project Editor for JTC1 (ISO/IEC 9945-2 DAM 1, IEEE P1003.2d). WG15 requests that SC22 confirm the nomination.

96-354: Disposition of Comments for ISO/IEC 9945-2 DAM 1

The following text shall be forwarded to JTC1/SC22 as the disposition of comments for DAM Ballot for DAM 1 to ISO/IEC 9945-2:

WG15 accepts the comments provided by the US National Body in that body's response (SC22 N2232) for DAM 1 to ISO/IEC 9945-2. As a result, the document forwarded to ITTF for publication will contain the text of the final IEEE Standard, including the correct document title.

96-355 Forwarding of Documents for DIS Ballot

WG15 approves the forwarding of the final IEEE text for P1387.3 and IEEE Standard 2003.2-1996 to the SC22 Secretariat for DIS Balloting.

96-356: Expression of Appreciation to Andrew Josey

WG15 expresses its appreciation to Andrew Josey, PASC Functional Chair of Interpretations, for an enlightening presentation on the PASC interpretations process.

96-357: Expression of Appreciation to German National Delegation, et al

WG15 expresses its appreciation to DIN, IBM, the German National Delegation to WG15, and particularly to Mr. Ron Elliott, for hosting an excellent meeting. Ron is particularly commended for simultaneously hosting, chairing, and serving as secretary for the meeting.

96-358: The Return of the Prodigal Sun

Whereas Mr. Roger Martin has already retired twice from participation in POSIX standards development and has returned once again as a member of the US National Delegation, WG15 commends Mr. Martin for his ultimate recognition of his real career path.

96-359: Recognition of Outstanding Talent

Whereas the participants in this WG15 meeting have covered several paths designated by Ron Elliott as a mere five minute walk, WG15 recognizes what must certainly be the incredible athletic talent of Mr. Elliott. WG15 wonders, however, if perhaps Mr. Elliott was judging based on his own walking skills or upon his average autobahn speed.

96-360: Expression of Appreciation to the Drafting Committee

WG15 expresses its appreciation to the United Kingdom, Canadian, and United States National Delegations for supplying such outstanding talent for the Drafting Committee, and to the Drafting Committee itself [Nick Stoughton, David Blackwood, Jay Ashford] for exceptional work in capturing and recording, in deathly prose, the resolutions for this meeting.

7.2 Action Item Review

Old Action Items from Copenhagen, May 1996

9610-01 Japan and Netherlands - provide URLs and other information they would like posted to the WG15 web page (rolled over from 9510-08 on National Bodies and 9605-01 on Japan and Netherlands).

9610-02 U.S. - investigate the availability of the text in electronic form for the most complete merged copy of 1003.1, its integrated amendments, and corrigenda, and transfer the text to Denmark when it is available. (rolled over from 9510-16 and 9605-03).

9610-03 Denmark - report at the May, 1997 WG15 meeting what the state of their LIS work is, and what they expect to be able to accomplish. (rolled over from 9510-23, 9505-24 and 9605-05).

9610-04 Project Editor - request ITTF to assign part number 0 to IEEE 1372 LIS for JTC1 numbering. (rolled over from 9510-25 on the Project Editor and 9505-42) (former open action items 9310-64, 9405-28, 9410-07 and 9605-06).

9610-05 Convener - write a cover letter to National Bodies to consider the general issue of subsetting base standards from within profiles during their review of 1003.13.(rolled over from 9510-34, which came from RGCPA issue #6 and 9605-07).

9610-06 U.S. - forward the appropriate draft of IEEE 1003.1g as ISO/IEC 9945-1 Amendment for Protocol Independent Interfaces (JTC1. to the SC22 secretariat for PDAM registration and ballot. (rolled over from 9510-41 which came from R 95-317, and 9605-08).

9610-07 U.S. - make all working drafts from the development body available in a manner consistent with the JTC1 on-line access policy. (rolled over from 9605-16).

9605-08 Denmark - look for a solution to the problem of extended identifiers in 1003.2 (from RIN issue 0) and report back. (rolled over from 9605-21)

9605-09 Netherlands & Denmark - have their technical experts identify any specific elements of the Single UNIX Specification that should be included in POSIX. (rolled over from 9605-46).

9610-10 Keld Simonsen - set up a restricted access web server for WG15 use on which we can put up drafts or other controlled access documents. (rolled over from 9605-30).

9610-11 U.S. - provide an electronic version of the POSIX 1003.13 profiles presentation to put on the WG15 web page. (rolled over from 9605-31).

9610-12 U.S. - provide a summary of the option annexes in the POSIX standards to be put on the WG15 web page. (rolled over from 9605-32).

9610-13 Denmark and Japan - work with the WG15 SGFS liaison (Willem Wakker) to figure out how National Profiles could be incorporated into TR-10000. (rolled over from 9605-33).

9610-14 U.S. - provide the latest drafts of 1003.10 and 1003.13 for evaluation of consistency with TR-10000, and send out the required cover material (the "explanatory report") for WG15 review and comment. (rolled over from 9605-34).

9610-15 Denmark - create a proposed scope and purpose for new IEEE 1003.2 utilities, which can then be used for both an SC22 work item and an IEEE PAR. (rolled over from 9605-36).

9610-16 Editor of POSIX National Profiles and Locales - incorporate N658 into that document. (Keld is editor). (rolled over from 9605-48).

9610-17 U.S. - provide assistance with the LIS PAR to be revised. (rolled over from 9605-49).

9610-18 P9945-2 Project Editor - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.2b (JTC1.22.41). (R 96-334) (rolled over from 9605-53).

9610-19 P9945-2 Project Editor (Casey Schauffler) - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.2c (JTC1.22.43). (R 96-334). (rolled over from 9605-54).

9610-20 P9945-1 Project Editor (Casey Schauffler) - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.1e (JTC1.22.42). (R 96-334). (rolled over from 9605-55).

9610-21 U.S. - invite the development body for proposed work on the Guidelines for POSIX National Profiles and National Locales to hold one of its meetings each year in conjunction with the first WG15 meetingof the year. (R 96-336). (rolled over from 9605-57).

9610-22 U.S. - get approval of the U.S. development body on the new synchronization plan as amended by WG15 N676. (R 96-343). (rolled over from 9605-63).

9610-23 Project Editor (Stephe Walli) - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.1a System API Amendment (JTC1 22.39).R 96-345). (rolled over from 9605-67).

9610-24 Convener - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.1f Transparent File Access (JTC1 (R 96-345). (rolled over from 9605-69).

9610-25 Project Editor (Stephe Walli) - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.1g Protocol Independent Interface (JTC1 (R 96-345). (rolled over from 9605-71).

9610-26 Project Editor (Martin Kirk) - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1387.4 Print Administration (JTC1 22.15068-4). (R96-345). (rolled over from 9605-73).

9610-27 Convener - call and conduct an editing meeting to create, approve, and forward to the SC22 Secretariat, a disposition of comments for IEEE 1003.1j Advanced Real Time Extensions (JTC1 project number not yet assigned). (R 96-346). (rolled over from 9605-75).

Action Items arising out of Munich, October 1996 Meeting

9610-28 National Bodies - review SD6 and return any comments to the Convener by 1996.12.31

9610-29 U.S. - Request PASC to respond to comments sent by Japan and Denmark in response to action items 9605-22, 9605-23 and 9605-24.

9610-30 National Bodies - review Draft 8.1 of 1003.1f (SC22 N2212) for market relevance and reply to U.S. HoD (Roger Martin) by 1996.12.31.

9610-31 WG20 Liaison - ask WG20 for an interpretation of non-break space, soft hyphen (see N674 items 1 and 2)and 'toupper i' (see N674 item 3).

9610-32 Keld Simonsen - Update WG15 Web page with a pointer to the WG20 document on Cultural Convention Specifications.

9610-33 National Bodies - Review the Web pages, especially the document on Cultural Convention Specifications and report any comments to Keld Simonsen.

9610-34 WG20 Liaison - Forward N694 (section answering action item 9605-40) to WG20 for their consideration

9610-35 U.S. - forward IEEE P1387.3 to the JTC1 secretariat for DIS balloting as soon as possible.

9610-36 U.S. - forward N694 (items answering action item 9605-43) to the development body for their consideration and a response.

9610-37 National Bodies - inform Martin Kirk if you want a CD-ROM (Windows version) of Single UNIX Specification.

9610-38 Convener - Instruct JTC1.22.42 and JTC1.22.43 Project Editor (Casey Schauffler) to conduct the disposition of comments meetings for 1003.1e and 1003.2c as soon as possible and provide the report to WG15 and SC22 after a review by the US and Netherlands National Bodies.(see R96-334 and action items 9605-54 and 9605-55)

9610-39 Convener - Instruct JTC1.22.41 Project Editor (Stephe Walli) to conduct the disposition of comments meeting for 1003.2b as soon as possible and provide the report to WG15 and SC22 after a review by the US, Japan, and Denmark National Bodies.(see R96-334 and action item 9605-53)

9610-40 U.S. - Ensure that IEEE Standard 2003.2 -1996 is forwarded for DIS ballot.

9610-41 National Bodies - Send any nominations for a Project Editor for JTC1 (IEEE 1003.1j) Advanced Real Time Extensions to the convener by 1996.12.31.

9610-42 Convener - Update Synchronization Plan to include the Final CD concept.

9610-43 National Bodies - To provide any input they would like in the synchronization plan, to the convener by 1996.12.31.

9610-44 U.S. - Forward IEEE Standard 1003.10 and Explanatory Reports to SC22 and WG15 for their review and comment.

9610-45 U.S. - Forward P1003.13 Explanatory Reports to SC22 and WG15 for review and comment.

9610-46 Convener - Conduct an electronic ballot on forwarding IEEE Standard 1003.10 and Explanatory Reports to SC22 for PDISP ballot.

9610-47 Convener - Conduct an electronic ballot on forwarding P1003.13 and Explanatory Reports to SC22 for PDISP ballot.

9610-48 Keld Simonsen - Forward SC22WG15.859 to Development body (1003.2), pointing out that this is where WG14 sees possible alignment for additional features which 1003.2 might want to consider in their future work, specifically currency and ISO date formats.

9610-49 National Bodies - Review EWOS OSE Conformance Testing Documents "EGT009R2, Vocabulary" and "EGT0059, Analysis" which are available in Word format at
and provide feed back to Dave Raynor (dr@waffle.cise.npl.co.uk) by Feb. 1997.

9610-50 X/Open Liaison & U.S. - Inform WG15 of any work which might be coming into the arena in the next 2 years so that WG15 can plan ahead.

9610-51 U.S. - Report to the next WG15 meeting the scope and purpose and anticipated time scale of the work being done in P1003.1m. (Checkpoint/Restart) and P1003.1p (Resource Limits).

9610-52 Project Editor (Keld Simonsen) - Prepare an example of a LIS function of 9945-1 using both IDL and LID. Distribute these examples to WG15, requesting National Bodies to review and comment on the work.

9610-53 National Bodies - Notify Keld Simonsen of any available experts in the area of LID and/or IDL usage.

9610-54 Convener - Check the status of P1387.2 (Software Administration) to ensure that DIS ballot has been initiated.

9610-55 U.S. - Recommend the course of action that should be taken (PDAM Ballot or Final PDAM Ballot) for P1003.1a. after it completes the current IEEE ballot.

9610-56 Convener - Send P1003.1j Draft 5 to SC22 secretariat for PDAM registration only.

9610-57 U.S. - Ensure that IEEE Standard 2003.2-1996 is sent to ITTF for DIS ballot.

9610-58 Convener -- Ensure that SEC N434r3 (Interpretation Guidelines) gets posted to the WG15 Web server.

9610-59 U.S. - Inform the PASC Functional Chair for Interpretations of the names of the Project Editors for the ISO POSIX standards

9610-60 U.S. - Submit all relevant completed Interpretations as a proposed record of response to WG15.

9610-61 National Bodies - Submit the names of any additional experts who might wish to take part in the Interpretations work, to the Convener by 1996.12.31.

9610-62 National Bodies - Review the proposed records of response and submit any comments to the WG15 reflector and be prepared to discuss them at the May 1997 WG15 meeting. Any comments requiring change MUST be submitted in writing to the Convener by 1997.04.01.

9610-63 Convener - Forward the nomination of Don Folland as Project Editor of JTC1.22.38 and Norm Aaronson as Project Editor for JTC1. to SC22.

9610-64 Convener - Forward the disposition of comments contained in resolution 96-354 to JTC1 SC22.

9610-65 National Bodies - Consider changing the frequency of WG15 meetings to be on an annual basis.

8.0 Closing Process

8.1 Future Meeting Considerations

The next meeting will be held in Exeter on May 19 - 22, 1997 starting at 9:00am.

The Fall meeting is planned for October 20 - 23, 1997, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. Any people who wish to arrive before the 20 October should notify David.

8.2 Document Number Assignment

Nothing to assign.

8.3 Selection of Vice Chair, Secretary for Next Meeting

David Blackwood was nominated as Vice Chair for the May 1997 meeting.

The U.K. nominates David Cannon as Secretary for the May 1997 meeting.

8.4 Agenda for Next Meeting

WG15 N701 is the next agenda, a preliminary form of which was distributed.

9.0 Adjournment

The WG15 meeting was adjourned.