From: Rajan Bhakta/Houston/IBM To: ISO C Date: 04/25/2018 10:52 AM Subject: DR 499 Another attempt at a suggested change for DR499: Change: An unnamed member whose type specifier is a structure specifier with no tag is called an anonymous structure; an unnamed member whose type specifier is a union specifier with no tag is called an anonymous union. The members of an anonymous structure or union are considered to be members of the containing structure or union. This applies recursively if the containing structure or union is also anonymous. to An unnamed member whose type specifier is a structure specifier with no tag is called an anonymous structure; an unnamed member whose type specifier is a union specifier with no tag is called an anonymous union. The members of an anonymous structure or union are considered to be members of the containing structure or union, keeping their existing structure or union layout. This applies recursively if the containing structure or union is also anonymous. Regards, Rajan Bhakta