WPCN  2B8J Z|xArial (TT)Times New Roman (TT)Times New Roman (TT)J2PQP C\  P6QP"C\  P6QP2?Ophoenix#I2PQP# JTC 1 Policy on Electronic Document Distribution Denis Kynaston PotterMichelle Maas20jDefault Paragraph FoDefault Paragraph Font11#XX2PQXP##I2PQP#endnote referenceendnote reference44#XX2PQXP##I2PQP#footnote referencefootnote reference44#XX2PQXP##I2PQP#footerfooter` hp x (#!!` hp x (#2v headerheader` hp x (#!!` hp x (#footnote textfootnote text  X   footer` hp x (#!!! Page  footer! 4 <DL!` hp x (#4 <DL!#XP\  P6QXP# JTC 1 N 4571 19970227  JTC 1 Policy on Electronic Document Distribution using the World Wide Web 4 <DL!4 <DL!#&J\  P6Q&P# #XP\  P6QXP#1Scope This document is to be read and implemented in association with JTC 1 N 4560. Together, these documents define the JTC1 policy for electronic document distribution using the World Wide Web. 2Media Documents shall be circulated using the World Wide Web. ISO, IEC and JTC1 policies require that some information may be made publicly available while other information must be kept private to defined recipients. Privacy arrangements (using password and/or ID protection) must be incorporated into Web sites. This protection must include regular changes, notified to designated recipients in a secure manner. 3Formatting and Filing System The formatting used shall be compatible with HTML v2.0 or higher. It is the responsibility of both the source and the recipient to verify that files are virusfree. 4Document Preparation and Distribution 4.1File Formats The choice of the file format shall be a function of the type of document being distributed (i.e., revisable or nonrevisable text)#footnote reference##XX2PQXP#X0X01ÍÍ#footnote reference##XX2PQXP##I2PQP#э)footnote reference) Identification of "Document Type" is defined in Annex D., or any special needs (e.g., graphics, test suites, use of tables etc.). The following file formats are acceptable#footnote reference##XX2PQXP#bfootnote text#XX2PQXP##footnote reference##XX2PQXP#` hp x (#4 <DL!#1W"Ab"Monotype Sor #э)footnote reference) As Technology changes, this list shall be reviewed for continued relevancy.b: 4 <DL!4 <DL!Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Portable Document Format (PDF); Plain DOS Text file, encoded in ISO/IEC 88591#footnote reference##XX2PQXP##footnote text#XX2PQXP##footnote reference##XX2PQXP#` hp x (#4 <DL!#1W"Ab"Monotype Sor #э)footnote reference) See Annex C # Microsoft Word Version 2.0 or higher; WordPerfect Version 5.1 or higher. Rich Text Format (RTF) 4 <DL!4 <DL!New DIS balloting procedures will determine the document form to be used is a matter between the NB and the ITTF and beyond the scope of this policy. However, based upon experience, if the final text is then distributed, PDF is the recommended format. It is recognized that in certain cases, standards documents may be prepared which utilize other formats to provide machine readable content. Specific JTC1 approval to use such formats, in a normative manner, should be sought by the appropriate SC (e.g. for the use of Machine Processable (Table and Tree Combined Notation (TTCN)) and such approval, if granted, does not remove the need to provide a copy for distribution of the human readable content in one of the formats above.  4.2Graphics and other NonTextual Data Simple graphics embedded in revisable documents should be editable by the graphics application of the accepted word processing packages. PDF should be used for documents with complex embedded graphics. When appropriate, the graphic(s) may be circulated as a separate file in the directory. If the document contains other than simple graphics as described above (and is being uploaded in revisable form for comment), the graphics should be uploaded as a separate file(s) in the directory.  4.3Document Layout Publishable documents should be in the published format in accordance with the ISO/IEC directives or the JTC1|ITUT collaborative procedures as appropriate. Others should be in single column format which is more readable via electronic media.  Committees shall make use of the ISO/IEC Forms supplied by the JTC 1 Secretariat. Technical editors will also be encouraged to make use of the standards format templates currently being developed by the ISO Central Secretariat and the IEC Central Office. JTC 1 N 4572 defines the required layout and content of Web pages and gives additional layout advice. 4.4URL Navigation Structure 4.4.1Directory Naming Schema Subdirectories should be created for each document. In order to prevent introduction of errors into technical documents (e.g., through conversion which may lead to font changes, page renumbering, etc.), separate files shall be created for cover sheets, ballot forms and explanatory reports. The Secretariat shall use discretion to determine if the cover sheet is directly attached to administrative documents. The directory name shall have eight characters mnemonic using the format YYNXXXXX where YY is the originating committee (J1 for JTC 1; 07 for SC 7, etc.) and NXXXXX is the document "N" number. All directory and file names shall be in lower case. 4.4.2File Naming Schema Each file name shall have no more than eight characters mnemonic. Documents shall be named using the format YYNXXXXa.sss where YY is the originating committee (J1 for JTC 1; 07 for SC 7, etc.); NXXXX is the document "N" number; a identifies specific files (C for Cover Sheet; B for Ballot Form, T for Ballot Text and E for Explanatory Report) and ".sss" is the software identifier. If a document replaces an earlier document a new number shall be assigned (i.e., N 346 Revised and YYNXXXXr.sss are not permitted.) If a document number is over 9999, NXXXX indicates the last four digits of the document number. In those instances where the document is stored in multiple files (i.e., annexes, graphics, etc.), those file names shall be named using the format YYNXXXXz.sss where YY is the originating committee ( J1 for JTC 1; 07 for SC 7, etc.); NXXXX is the document N number; and z is serial number of the multiple files (1 for the first file in the series; 2 for the second; etc.); and .sss is the software identifier. The ReadMe files shall contain descriptions for multiple files. Annex B of this document provides examples of valid file names. All directory and file names shall be in lower case. 4.4.3Application Software Naming Schema Each file name shall contain a suffix (.sss) identifying the software type: 4 <DL!4 <DL!HTML.htm Portable Document Format) .pdf DOS Text File .txt  r 4 <DL!4 <DLMicrosoft Word) .doc  r 4 <DL4 <DL!WordPerfect) .wp Rich Text Format.rtf 4 <DL!4 <DL! 4.4.4 Human Readable ReadMe File Each sequential document or batch of documents shall include a noncompressed DOS text file (ISO 88591) which will serve as a directory for the document(s). This file shall be named "YYRXXX.txt" were YY is the originating committee, R is "ReadMe", and XXX is the sequential issue serial number. This ReadMe file, when viewed or printed, shall resemble a document transmittal letter indicating: 4 <DL!4 <DL!1.committee ( J1 for JTC 1; 07 for SC 7) 2.document number (except N) 3.backward pointer (i.e., Replaces N 346) 4.document type 5.date assigned ( CCYYMMDD) 6.document title 7.due date (if applicable) 8.approximate number of pages in document 9.issue serial number 10.source 11.project number 12.status (brief description) 13.action identifier 14.medium (paper, diskette, email, server) 4 <DL!4 <DL! The line length of any field shall not exceed 75 characters. This file should also be sent as an email message to the direct electronic distribution list described in Section 6.1 of this document. Circulation of this file does not preclude the need for an entire document register to be issued as per the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives. 4.4.5Downloadable ReadMe File Each sequential issue shall also include a noncompressed DOS text file (ISO 88591) suitable for downloading into National Body document tracking databases. This file shall be named "YYDXXX.txt" were YY is the originating committee, D is "Downloadable", and XXX is the file serial number (see Clause 4.5). This shall be a tabdelimited file containing the same fields identified in Clause 4.4.4. NOTE: Further information regarding file format (including field size and record separators) will be provided by the JTC 1 Secretariat staff.   4.5Announcement of Document Availability When new documents are available on the site an email announcement shall be circulated with the following information: 4 <DL!4 <DL!1.committee 2.date of posting; 3.sequential issue serial number (i.e., Issue 001); 4.document numbers found on the issue (e.g., N 17, 19, 21; N 2530; or Documents in the range of N 100150). 4 <DL!4 <DL! 4.6OnLine Retention and Archiving Documents shall be retained online for at least two years or two Plenary cycles, whichever is greater. After this, documents may be removed from online availability and shall be available from the secretariat in a format at the discretion of the secretariat. 5.Compression Utilities Compression may be used if so agreed by the recipients of the file distribution. When compression is used, it shall be compatible with PKZIP). 6.Direct Electronic Distribution 6.1Email Lists Each Secretariat shall establish a list of electronic mail (Email) addresses that replicates the committees formal distribution list as defined in Section 8.3 of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives (i.e. the email list includes Participating (P) and Liaison (L) members, the JTC 1 Secretariat and the ITTF, as well as the appropriate committee officers). Any member that does not have an email address may be listed with a facsimile number. In some instances, and only upon written confirmation of the P or Lmember, responsibility for receipt and distribution of documents may be delegated to the members Head of Delegation or other identified expert. Secretariats may establish a separate distribution list including additional addresses (i.e., individual experts, etc.) for the exchange of less formal documents. Secretariats will notify their SC addressees by Email of the uploading of new documents as soon as they are uploaded, preferably by issue/batch. Each Email will be numbered sequentially and the secretariats will maintain lists of these Emails. 6.2Encoding Utilities Not appropriate. 6.3Electronic Balloting Ballot forms should be returned to committee secretariats in electronic format on diskette or via Email. It is not necessary to return the balloting form distributed by the Secretariat as long as all relevant fields are covered in the balloting response. As a temporary procedure, to ensure fidelity when a ballot is cast via Email, an electronic acknowledgment of the vote shall be sent by the Secretariat. #&J\  P6Q&P# 4 <DL!4 <DL! Annex A currently unallocated #C\  P6QP# #&J\  P6Q&P# Annexes B to E  see JTC 1 N4558 Annexes B to E